New build woes


Jul 19, 2011
Motherboard: P67A-G43
Processor: i5 2500k
Video card: GTX 560 ti
PSU: Azza Dynamo 850W
HD: WD 1.5TB
CPU Cooling system: H60 water cooling
RAM: Corsair Vengence 8GB(2x4)
Case: Armor A90

Problems: Got everything together and was so happy. Powers up fine, but... no display! Oh no batman, serious problem. I fiddle around and check a few things. No luck. Every fan is running, even the video cards fan. I think maybe it is a driver issue since the the new system obviously didn't have any, so I load the HD into another computer to load windows onto it. Did not fix the issue.

Things I have checked at that point:
* Ram seating.
* Video card seating
* 24 and 8 pin power connections on board
* Everything has power and is hooked up

So I sigh and wait for my roomie to get home. I borrow his older graphics card and put it in. Its an older 8800 or something I believe. Now, it boots up and... display!!! I am grinning from ear to ear, thinking I have solved the problem. Now however, we get to the part where windows is load. It makes it to the logo, then reboots. What could be the problem? I am pretty sure these parts are compatibile? Someone mentioned it could be a power supply issue because they had heard horror stories from Azza being a bad supply. I have no clue. I am at a total loss. I wouldn't think it would be the CPU or motherboard since it is POSTing and getting to windows. I get no beeps at all either :<
I have had the same problem several times. Problem - the graphics card. Yes it sounds silly when you've tried another card and it too doesn't work, but I went through three XFX 5670's before I got a Sapphire 5750 and it worked. Bad batch.

Display problem is usually a driver prob, followed by an actual card prob, followed by an issue with the power. It is true it could be a power issue - if the card isn't getting enough juice it will simply cut out, possibly causing the pc to reboot. I have also heard of ram being blamed - but the simplest thing is to goto your nearest pc chop-shop and have the card tested on one of their rigs. It is a pain in the ass, I hated doing it, but it's the only way to know for sure.

I'd be surprised, with the Wattage of your PSU, if it was a power concern, though I'm not familiar with Azza. The card itself is your best bet as the problem.
Thanks for the reply. I called newegg and they are going to let me exchange the card and send the PSU back. I am going to get a refund for the PSU and get another one, looking at the Corsair TX750 since people seem to note that they are very reliable. It bothers me though that I put a card that I know is good and it didn't go past the logo. I did see a post somewhere about needing to do a fresh install of windows since it may not like the drivers that got loaded on the other computer. We will see though, now I just have to wait. Part of my worries that the motherboard may be bad.

Note: Local shop offered to test the parts for free so, going to drop it by there and see what they come up with.
The thing with a graphics card - it should display. Bad drivers might mean that the screen looks low-res or perhaps strange - but it should still display. Just as long it's the correct card for the correct slot with the correct power. And the cable to the monitor is fine...did you check that?

That Corsair would certainly be an improvement.
Your mobo looks decent - it's a shame it doesn't have onboard grahics for you to check it out better.

I do wonder why you're getting a gtx card for an AMD crossfire board though?
I only got the board because it was with a combo deal at newegg with the i5 and it had decent ratings. Monitor cable is fine, works with other computers. I intend to get a better motherboard when I can afford it.
Took the build by the shop. Turns out it is most likely the board. We tried VGA cards, PCI cards, and the PCI diagnostic card. The mobo kept acting real weird, even with no video cards. Going to send the mobo back and see if the new one does the same thing. (Already sent the card and psu off though :/ )