New build wont boot, boot_device_led always on


May 15, 2015
My problem is: i cant get my new setup to boot. I will describe everything i tried

My build
Motherboard: ASUS Z97 Pro wifi ac
Processor: i5 4690k
Memory: 2x8gb kingston hyperx 1866mhz
Cooler: zalman cnps 14x
GPU: Asus gtx 970 strix
HD: 3tb seagate
SSD: 250gb evo 850 samsung
PSU: EVGA supernova gs 650w
Case: R5 fractal

Basically whats happening:
My build wont boot, i get a error code A2 when there is any sata HD/SSD connected and a 99 when there is none. In both cases, the red light boot_device_led is on. The computer stays on, no beep sounds, but no video at all.

A brief summary:
3 days ago i assembled everything on my new build. When i tried to boot it, sometimes the boot happened and others dont. I was able to install windows and use it for 2 days, but when i turned off yesterday and tried to turn on i couldn't make it give any video.

Since in the motherboard manual says this red light is about the HD verificiation, i tried to boot with none connected. No sucess. I tried to boot around 20 times and i manage to get 1 video with 0 red lights on the board.

I took out the GPU and tried to boot on just with ram, CPU and cooler, with PSU on. No results.

I checked all power connections. With just CPU, motherboard, ram i should only need to connect 2 cables. The ATX 20/24 pins and the 8 pin power to CPU.

I checked if the motherboard was compatible with the i5 4690k. It was with all bios versions.

I took the motherboard out of the case i tried to turn it on. Same erros.

I took out the battery on the motherboard for couple minutes and tried boot again. No sucess.

Since it is a brand new motherboard, im thinking in sending back to the retailer (NCIX) for a fast replacement, but i want to try everything before doing so.

Any ideas of what is the problem?

I already tried. But i can't test DVI-DVI, just VGA and HDMI. No video and Boot_device_led red LED on.

I just opened and i couldn't find anything abnormal on the CPU socket. I also tried to do a manual RTC reset as the manual advise, a mem ok! and also reset again the CMOS removing the battery and nothing seemed to work.

I tried earlier, but i don't know if my flashdrive sucks or if i did something wrong. I will describe what i did:

1- Downloaded the last bios version on the manufacturer page (

2- Downloaded the renamer

3- Formatted my 16gb flash drive to fat32

4- I put renamer on same folder of the bios and run it, it just rename the bios file Z97P.cap

5- checked if this was the correct name on the manual, checked

6- Found which usb port was the usb flashback on the manual

7- After Z97P.cap was on the flashdrive, plugged in the motherboard

8- Pressed the flashback button

9- blinks for couple of secs then turn solid green

10- read manual and it says it failed, it should be blinking for couple of minutes

I really don't know if i did something wrong, bad flashdrive for this operation or if the motherboard is permanently damaged.
I also tried to rename it by myself, tried format in NTFS and exFat, tried all usb ports.

Wouldn't be a better option to just send it back for replace/refund? All my build is brand new, like barely 2 weeks.
And as i said, few times it booted, i used for 2 days. When i needed to turn off and on it wouldnt boot.

All my chips are on the motherboard defect. HD/ssd cant be since they are not even plugged, same for GPU. Power supply i really doubt it since i used for 2 days with heavy games and no sign of stress. Of course there is a possibility of being the ram or CPU, but since the error LED for CPU or RAM is not on, everything point for the motherboard.

Okey. Just sent a message to retailer. Probably next week they will send me a reply.

Thanks for the help.