New builder that needs help building his first pc


Jul 20, 2016
I have started to build my first gaming pc ever and I need some advice on what to put on my motherboard which is a msi 970a SLI Krait edition and my budget $600 and under
You need an entire pc, case, mobo, cpu, gpu, power supply, ram and an os for gaming for under $400? Do you also need a monitor, keyboard and mouse? I'm not sure what games you're looking to play, that will be part of the equation.

For something like a gaming pc assuming you're looking to keep it for awhile (1-2yrs) it might be better to save just a bit more and put the money to good use. Rather than investing $400 to try and get something right this minute, find out it's not what you expected or were hoping for and having to upgrade it right away with your money already put into it.

The trouble with amd's current fx platform, it's about to be replaced. Say you invest in a 970a mobo, fx 6xxx or 8xxx cpu, ddr3 ram etc. To get more...

I was planning on buying that part but I am open to all suggestions

I was planning on buying that motherboard but if it is not the best I am open to suggestions

Please don't buy a msi they have bad quality control, the one I have now the usb 2.0 messed up and the pins are stuck in my usb I had to physically rip it out of my motherboard. "0/10"- IGN
Well I seriously recommend going with Intel Skylake. Something like this

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor ($110.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock B150M-HDS Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($55.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($37.98 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus Radeon R9 380 2GB Video Card ($153.98 @ Newegg)
Case: Azza SIRIUS ATX Mid Tower Case ($25.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($83.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $576.28
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-20 22:57 EDT-0400

I would go with a i5 6000 series way better kinda maybe for the price almost there kinda maybe sorta :)

Jesus these people... by his very first thread, it indicated he already bought an AMD motherboard. And you still recommending skylake...

This build should allow you to play games at 1080P 60FPS Ultra Setting
it cannot get any better than this!

CPU FX 8320 $120: http://

GPU: GTX 970 $215 http://
posted three Just for in case someone bought it

Ram 8gb ddr3 1600 $30 : [url=]http://[/url]

Hard drive : WD 1TB $50 http://

Power Supply: Sentey 725W $45 http://

Case, pick your own...

Subtotal: $460


here found you a even better deal on amazon for $210!Choose the second one! trust me 970 is so much better than 960!it is 50% faster!

Here is FX 8320 in Amazon http://

ok my bad, didn't noticed his second comment, FX 8320 has much better multi-core performance, 2X! plus it can overclock too! a lot more cost effective! In the future, games are going to utilize more cores too.

However, I do have an ultimate build nobody can beat its performance value! I didn't post this because thread owner don't use Ebay, but This is the best value ever!

It can deliver modern I7 6700K stock performance for a fraction of the price! Because it overclock like a beast! Even with hyper 212 evo, it can overclock all the way from 3.4ghz to 4.8ghz! I don't think anything else can beat its value
CPU: I7-2600K $165 http://

Motherboard: Z77 http://

CPU cooler: Hyper 212 EVO http://

I doesn't matter if it is oc, or not the i3 still has more performance even in single core testing.

either way you'll be happy, just don't cheap out on to many things
You need an entire pc, case, mobo, cpu, gpu, power supply, ram and an os for gaming for under $400? Do you also need a monitor, keyboard and mouse? I'm not sure what games you're looking to play, that will be part of the equation.

For something like a gaming pc assuming you're looking to keep it for awhile (1-2yrs) it might be better to save just a bit more and put the money to good use. Rather than investing $400 to try and get something right this minute, find out it's not what you expected or were hoping for and having to upgrade it right away with your money already put into it.

The trouble with amd's current fx platform, it's about to be replaced. Say you invest in a 970a mobo, fx 6xxx or 8xxx cpu, ddr3 ram etc. To get more performance out of it you have two options, intel or amd zen. Either will mean a new motherboard, ddr4 ram, a new cpu. It's not all that much bang for your buck in terms of performance.

If you go with an i3 you'll have similar performance to an fx 8350 at slightly less cost, ddr4 that newer platforms (both intel and amd) are moving toward and the ability to upgrade just the cpu without having to replace half the system you just invested in. Even then an i3 or 8350 is going to exceed your $400 budget.

Yes you could try and go cheap as possible but there are issues to that. Say you buy a cheap mobo then run into issues with low power phases or vrm that can't handle the load and overheat causing you thermal throttling. The $40-50 cheap mobo will need replaced by an $80-100 mobo and now your inexpensive board ultimately costs you $130-140. If you buy a cheap low end power supply for $25, assuming it doesn't overload, short and kill half the components it's connected to - come to find out your system starts shutting down under load in the middle of games. Now you're replacing it with a better $60 power supply, that 'cheap' $25 psu now has cost you $85.

At the end of it all you could potentially have invested $800 into a $600 pc and still only have a $600 pc. It's not a great way to save money.