Hello, I'm currently thinking of an add on to my current build right now for fans. I have a corsair spec-01 with cougar turbine fans and the stock fan right trying to cool my 1080 and provide air to my 212 evo currently. I want to oc my hardware a little more so I was thinking of getting some new fans. I wanted to get 2 of the corsair ml 140's for intake and the rest of the outtakes would be some odd asiahorse 120mm that have a white led ring. I'm not too sure how much these fans would help at all and I haven't heard or seen too much about the Asia horse fans but do know they have good reviews on amazon. Do you guys think this would be a better cooling setup, and if so by how much would you say it'd lower my you and CPU temps? Or do you have a better idea or suggestion for me? All help is appreciated, thank you in advance!