New CPU (4690K) makes computer shut off after a second

May 27, 2018
so today i got my 4690K in the mail, puttin it in my PC makes it fail to boot it shuts off after about half a second, am using an MSI H81M-P33 (i know i cant OC the 4690k) putting my pentium G3258 in makes it run perfectly though. am on latest bios from MSI site. im really stumped and starting to get really sad bc i think the CPU might just be DOA. any help is appreciated thank you so much

Is there paste on the outer edge?

What kind of paste did you use? There are conductive and non conductive types, if you used non conductive paste, bit on cpu pcb wont hurt anything.

I agree with your assessment. If your bios is version 1.5 or newer, it should be working so it probably is a DOA. Now, just for fun... clean the bottom of the CPU with alcohol and try again.
sorry guys, tried both and still the same issue 🙁 as of now looks like the CPU is just plain dead and i gotta return it. if anyone else has any other ideas let me know but it looks like this is end of the line as far as this chip goes

Hey guys, things have really taken a turn for the worse 🙁 now the computer wont display video with the old CPU so my whole PC is basically dead now. Im really confused what could have caused this, maybe i bent the mobo while putting new cpu cooler on? i dont know, ive tried everything and nothing has got my computer to start up again. worst 120$ ive ever spent, wrecked my whole PC 🙁 somebody please help me dianose this and at least get my PC running with the old hardware. thank you guys so much in advance.
hey guys i looked and it does look like there is one bent pin on the socket, would this cause the weird behavior listed above? i will attach a picture in a bit. would a bent pin make one cpu not start at all and the other one start but be really unstable and then stop working?

Bent pin can cause all sorts of problems though this must of just happen swapping cpus around because your system was running fine before all of this. Think the case of the 4690k migjt have been the case of cmos not cleared properly. Wouldn't know for sure unless you can straighten that pin and get your Pentium running again without problems.

Use a credit card cross ways to straighten the pin.
hey! im attaching some pix to this, cant tell if its a bent pin or two, or just my eyes are bad haha. thank you sooo much again for helping me out dude youre the best!

hey i tried bending the pins back with the corner of a flash drive plug and it boots with the pentium now!!!! hurray! now how can i go about getting the i5 to run in here? what was that you said about not clearing the CMOS fully? i took the battery out and also put a screwdriver to the jumper pins for 5 seconds. please lmk thank you <3

Op said:
Problem Solved!!!Sorry for not posting earlier but i wasnt able to look into it cause of work.I did what the clear cmos guide said and it worked.I dont know for sure what i did wrong the last time but my best guess would be not pressing the power button after removing the battery.Thanks to the administrator and everyone who helped .Have a great summer!!!

From this guide:

New cmos clearing method = motherboards with a clear cmos button rather than a jumper.

Cmos battery is still plugged in. Make sure the jumper in the original position is off the pins if you're going to short with a screw driver.
hey, my JBAT1 is only 2 prongs and has no jumper on it, i have just been shorting the two pins there with a screwdriver but it hasnt helped the i5? still just starts the fan for half a second then shuts off 🙁 if its not JBAT1 that i should be shorting then what should i do?


have tried all combos of RAM to no effect, something interest i have noticed is that if i plug in a xbox controller it also gets power and vibrates for a second before shutting off with everything else. not sure if that means anything or not lol. waitin on MSI support to open so i can call about the cmos jumper on this MOBO. really hopin i can get this CPU working without refunding it, any other help appreciated ty
Just had a look at the manual online, can only see one jumper so what you did was right. Bummer.

You flashed bios to v1.9 yeah?

Maybe flash again with the pentium cpu, once done power down and disconnect power cord and hold power button for 10seconds to discharge remaining power from caps. Reset cmos, short pins with battery and Pentium cpu still in. Enter bios and load defaults with the Pentium.

Power down and try the i5.

the bios is already on 1.9 should i try to reflash? i checked with MSI LiveUpdate and it said i was on 1.9 already. if i should reflash what method should i use?


do you think downgrading bios to the first update that supports haswell refresh will work? ill download 1.9 rn and try to reflash and if that doesnt work ill try downgrade
one thing i have noticed is that the when the pentium is in, the cooler always starts, stops, starts again, stops again, then starts full speed and the rest of the pc comes on. not sure if that means anything though. updating the ME right now, after it is done ill try what you said
nope, still the same results. my refund was accepted so looks like this cpu is goin bye bye 🙁 thank you so much for trying man and if you have any other tricks up your sleeve let me know but for now it looks like its just a plain dead CPU