new cpu for gtx 750 ti sc


Apr 25, 2017
so i have a evga gtx 750 ti sc and was wondering now in 2017 is there any other options that would be good budget cpu to run games like arma 3 or gta 5 and other intense games. my budget was 170$ to 180$ including a new motherboard. What motherboard and cpu should i get to add up to my budget to play new titles and good games.

A 2nd gen or 3rd gen core CPU.
Buy a used desktop with something like a Core i3 3220.
No point in getting an i5 as the GPU itself is low-end.
A 3rd gen i3 would be perfect IMO.

But I already have a gaming pc with a shity CPU.
Which CPU you already have?

And you asked about getting a new motherboard and CPU in the first post that's why i suggested that.

when will the Coffee Lake CPU come out? Link?

thats a long time i think ill have to go with the intel cause my pc is basically fried and cant run anything so.