New Cpu, RAM and Mobo bsod after BIOS screen and keyboard not working


Feb 10, 2017
So i bought the new components metioned in the title, and i kept my ssd, psu, cpu and case. After i installed it all, the computer turns on for the first time and i couldnt use my keyboard also in the windows loading screen it simply freeze and after that i get the bsod.
Xibyth, i tried to install a new Windows after i got the bsods, but after a little research i found out that the problem may be because i'm trying to run Windows 7 on a KabyLake cpu. So right now i'm trying to install W10 to see how it goes. It seems a lot of people are getting the same problem as me. Also i found and old keyboard here and i'm using it so i can acess the BIOS.

I'll post results later