[SOLVED] New CPU upgrade and now computer worked for a week now wont post.


Jul 8, 2016
My build is a
Geforce RTX 2080
16 GB corsair ram
Asus ROG Hero Maxmius XI with wifi
1000W corsair PSU
Bios version 2.20.1271.

I upgraded from an i5 Skylake to an i9-Skylake not sure if I was supposed to update bios or do anything special. I just seated my CPU which I have done many times with no issues. Turned on my PC and just started to use it normally. After about a week I went to turn it on and it shut off immediately and didnt post. I reseated my CPU then it worked the next time I turned it off. Then I went to use it again and it is doing the same thing it is not posting. It turned on fans go on for a second then turns off and keeps looping like that. I reseated it again and it isn't working now.
i had a problem like this and it was the ram one of the ram dims went bad, but if this is not the problem with you then you should update the bios but be careful not to shut down the pc while updating the bios that will damage the motherboard
i had a problem like this and it was the ram one of the ram dims went bad, but if this is not the problem with you then you should update the bios but be careful not to shut down the pc while updating the bios that will damage the motherboard