New custom built pc won't post or beep :( HELP PLZ!


Dec 20, 2013
I recieved all my parts today, i ran the setup outside the case and the cpu fan turned on but it wasn't posting. There were no beeps either, I removed the ram from the mobo and tried again, but it still did not beep.
My components :
i5 4690k
gtx 970
evga 750 watt 80+b psu
b85m-ds3h-A gigabyte motherboard

So far the only thing i found was that the b85 mobos need a bios update to be able to use haswell processors (the i5 4690k in my case)
But I bought it brand new so I'm not sure if its the mobo or not.
The psu had excellent ratings, so im not sure that it's the issue.
The only thing I didn't try was reset the cmos, because it's a brand new mobo and I don't know if that would be the problem because it's new.
As far as i've seen, there is no led light on the mobo itself.

At the moment I'm looking for insight on what I should do, Should I buy a new mobo or is there something easy that I can do to fix this? I have no spare 1150 cpus to use on this mobo other than the i5.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
99.99% certain it's that it needs the bios flashed. Get access to another computer with a 4GB or greater thumb drive. Look up your mobo's most current version of bios, download it from gigabyte's website. Boot via the drive, or use flash utility
If it doesnt have a speaker connected to the header, it wont beep. Does it have a speaker?

The BIOS isnt the prob. There's only one BIOS update, on the site for this mobo

And that mobo needs BIOS F1. Which is the 1st and only BIOS on the site

Intel Core i5-4690K 3.50GHz 6MB 350 MHz / 1250 MHz Haswell Refresh 22nm C0 88W 100 F1

So you've connected the 24 pin, the cpu fan, and the ATX 12v ?


how, it's not posting, there is no visuals on my screen

yes, I have. I've also tried it without the atx 12v and the computer turns on for a second and then turns off. If I leave that it but take out the ram, then the pc turns on for 10 seconds, then turns off, then turns on again for another 10 sec sct.

yes everything was connected

Ya, I tried it and nothing happened.
I'm going to try more things tomorrow and keeping this thread alive.