New desktop or laptop?


Jun 30, 2015
Hey guys, im looking into getting a new system shortly but debating on whether or not to get a "gaming" laptop for a little bit less then a new desktop. Im not so much into heavy gaming like i used to be so im wondering if a laptop that can handle light occasional gaming would be a viable option. All input is appreciated, this is the list off pcpartpicker and a brief description of the laptop im looking at.
Pcpartpicker -
Laptop -
Both are equivalent systems. The desktop provides a method of getting a base system now and upgrading down the line for cheaper. A laptop is a one time purchase but very nice if you want the portability.

As for your desktop, The AMD Ryzen 1500x includes their wraith cooler so you could save the $138 on the liquid cooler. The PSU is a bit overkill, 750W is a lot. Only 8GB is required which would save money since RAM is very expensive now. There is no mention of a monitor, case, or Windows. The money saved could be used to upgrade the video card.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($238.00 @ Shopping Express)


Jul 15, 2008

What do you mean by “light gaming”?


Sep 25, 2012
the desktop would be better at a desk.

Gaming laptops are great if you go out to play with friends more than once a week. Typically, gaming laptops are in an in-between niche, being half as good at each task ("gaming" vs "laptop"). In this case, the gtx1050 mobile is approx. 50% as powerful as a rx570.


Both are equivalent systems. The desktop provides a method of getting a base system now and upgrading down the line for cheaper. A laptop is a one time purchase but very nice if you want the portability.

As for your desktop, The AMD Ryzen 1500x includes their wraith cooler so you could save the $138 on the liquid cooler. The PSU is a bit overkill, 750W is a lot. Only 8GB is required which would save money since RAM is very expensive now. There is no mention of a monitor, case, or Windows. The money saved could be used to upgrade the video card.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($238.00 @ Shopping Express)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B350M-A Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($109.00 @ Shopping Express)
Memory: Kingston - HyperX Fury 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($255.00 @ Umart)
Storage: Crucial - MX300 525GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($199.00 @ Umart)
Video Card: Gigabyte - Radeon RX 580 4GB Gaming 4G Video Card ($469.00 @ Umart)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Gold 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($129.00 @ PCCaseGear)
Total: $1399.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-02-06 15:00 AEDT+1100

Basically the same system minus the CPU cooler, but upped to an m.2 512GB SSD instead of only 256GB. Also the video card was upped to the RX580. This would give great 1080p gaming results.



Actually I think it's more - you need the power, or you don't. If you're playing serious games (Wolfenstein, GTA V, etc), you should definitely consider getting a desktop. Laptop GPUs definitely do not come anywhere close to performing on the same level as their desktop counterparts.


Jun 30, 2015
I already have a desktop with an i5 4590 and a gtx 770 im just at a crossroads to upgrade the desktop or get a laptop as with my job im looking at being away from home for 3 out of 4 weeks. I understand the trade off in performance im just wondering if it will suffice my needs. Light gaming being jumping on warframe, csgo or a little overwatch at medium settings.
Anything not included in pcpartpicker i either already have or can get elsewhere thats not required.
Sorry for the long reply cant work out how to quote on my phone.



Yeah quoting doesn't work on phones and the admins and devs know it.

But if you already have a desktop I'd say just buy a new GPU when available, and be done with it. The 4590 is still a pretty capable CPU and can handle just about anything you throw at it. If you really want to get a laptop then I'd say go for the laptop.


If you are away from home 3 out of 4 weeks then laptop seems more compelling. Although that depends on your situation for those 3 weeks. Are you staying in an apartment or something that you could setup a permanent desktop for those 3 weeks? Do you want a powerful system to pass the time during those 3 weeks? These are questions only you can answer.

As for power, unlike the information given previously, a laptop can definitely match the power of a desktop. And it is more expensive. You can get laptops with a 120Hz GSync IPS screen, GTX 1070 or 1080 video cards, etc... But you are talking over $3000 for them. MSI is a common brand of powerful gaming laptops. The desktop is definitely cheaper and more powerful.

If portability is key and you are bringing the system to and from the car for your trips, then consider an ITX case with a handle. Use an M.2 SSD to eliminate cabling and you have a very lightweight yet powerful easy to handle box. The biggest hassle would be the monitor. You can even get a bag with straps that wraps around a case to carry it and it has pockets to store the keyboard and mouse. A little bit of a hassle but the desktop will be about $1000 less than the equivalent laptop.



Some can, they may come within a few frames of their desktop counterparts. But for $1500 or less? That ain't happening. And you can definitely kiss portability goodbye. You sacrifice power for portability no matter what your budget is on a laptop. If you want that kind of power, you are going to pay big. We're talking $3500 or more. And those systems aren't exactly what one would call portable either - most of those laptops have AC adapters the size of car batteries and can often weigh over 15 pounds, that's not exactly laptop territory. You might as well get a desktop at that point.



At least you can fold a laptop and throw it in a bag. Definitely more portable than a desktop and seperate monitor. And yeah $3500 is common for those. It's a pretty easy choice. Do you want a laptop you can fold up, throw in a bag, and jump in the car?