New Domain Name



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup (More info?)

I have a Windows 2000 domain named: domainname.local. I about to setup an
Exchange server and upgrade my domain to Windows 2003. My company website
is hosted by a third party company, with name

I have 2 questions:

1. Can I have my website point to a different location then my email
server? If so then how do I accomplish this?

2. How do I configure my exchange server to add my Internet domain to the
end of all my users? How do I configure Exchange to send email as instead of domainname.local?

Help Please.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup (More info?)

Hi - I believe replied to your identical post in another group. Please don't
multipost - if you need to post to multiple groups, it's best to crosspost
instead, by posting a single message to a handful of relevant groups
(separate the NG names with commas) so that everyone can follow the thread.
Thanks :)


Joshua Astete wrote:
> I have a Windows 2000 domain named: domainname.local. I about to
> setup an Exchange server and upgrade my domain to Windows 2003. My
> company website is hosted by a third party company, with name
> I have 2 questions:
> 1. Can I have my website point to a different location then my email
> server? If so then how do I accomplish this?
> 2. How do I configure my exchange server to add my Internet domain
> to the end of all my users? How do I configure Exchange to send
> email as instead of domainname.local?
> Help Please.