So....telling the user what's going on and asking them for permission is anti-user...and evil on top of that...
The kind of user that needs to be told "what's going on" and "asked for permission" shouldn't even be there in the first place. Yes, it's anti-user and evil to those users who know that stuff.
The whole point is that pre-builds use unstable settings, since the mobos they use use unstable settings, and a user that is being protected by your idea of pro-user would have no idea what's going on.
What I am saying is that users who don't know those things shouldn't be buying enthusiast grade parts to begin with instead of all of us who do know being saddled with more obstacles just to make it safe for ignorant people.
There are plenty of locked CPUs and non-O/C oriented mainboards with simpler (non Z-series) chipsets to choose from which don't behave like that. The problem is as usual with all those new generations of people who want instant gratification in whatever they do.
They want to jump into a multiplayer game which takes 150 hours to master and start at the highest possible difficulty level others on the team be damned.
They want to build a high-end PC without having any background in electrical engineering, hobby electronics, or even basic high school physics. CPU specifications and BIOS manuals? Who reads that? Reading is for nerds.
And because it is not politically correct to put them in their place by telling them how much they suck and send them off until they learn everyone else is now paying the price of their entitlement and "freedoms".
I agree that no values should be set out of the manufacturer's specification, but what some of you seem to be missing is that both RAPL and current limit values aren't out of spec -- they simply mean "unlocked" or "no limit" on K CPU parts. Could the mainboard manufacturers do a better job and fine-tune for a perfect balance of power consumption and performance at default settings? Certainly, but both the boards and the CPUs are marketed towards people who want to tweak stuff -- if you tweak it for them what's the point?
TL;DR -- if you want safe defaults either don't buy unlocked parts or learn how to configure them, but don't put more warnings and Agree buttons or worse yet verification boxes in
my face.