New gaming PC build


Feb 22, 2016
Hi there fellow Toms.

I want to build my first ever gaming PC, and well I need some recommendations. This is what I had in mind:
Intel Core i5 locked Skylake CPU
8GB DDR4 RAM (3000+MHz)
500GB HDD (I have a spare 500GB HDD to add in)
Motherboard (I have no clue about motherboards)
I'm not sure about a graphics card (But I'm thinking about a GTX 750 ti)
Power Supply (Don't know how much I would need)
Case: Something sexy
LED Lighting Strips that change color with a remote 😀

I would love to have the case and all the parts match my color theme of red and black.

Also recommendations for a monitor would also be much appreciated.

Please feel free to tell me if I am missing something and I will gladly add it in.

I live in South Africa, and my budget would be R10 000 just for the PC (655,95 USD) but I would happily go up to R15 000 (again just for the PC) [983,93 USD]
You should probably mention a budget for people to work with so its easier to pick parts. For the GPU though get the EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti FTW edition (it's the best 750Ti).

Ok, well I live in South Africa, and my budget would be R10 000 just for the PC (655,95 USD) but I would happily go up to R15 000 (again just for the PC) [983,93 USD]

I plan on playing Minecraft (yeah I know), Call of Duty (mainly BO3 and BO2), CS:GO, GTA V, Agario, Happy Wheels. (thats about all I can think of)
You must be kidding, I wanted to reply to RTW970, not choose him as the solution *facepalm*
Can someone tell me if i can undo this?

UPDATE: nevermind, after I replied it undid the solution thing

I'm not saying I want the 750 ti, thats just what I have in mind. Any card with a good price and good performance I would like.

Also thanks for telling me about the budget, I will add that in now.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($215.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($118.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill NT Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($32.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($44.95 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 960 4GB Video Card ($179.99 @ Micro Center)
Case: NZXT H440 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case ($118.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: Cooler Master VSM 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 OEM (64-bit) ($86.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $868.77
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-20 16:55 EDT-0400

Cases which match your wishes: (My personal fav)

Red RAM:

Red motherboard:

(Beware that this one is smaller than ATX. ATX is standard sizing.)

(Really red)

Yes, I'm going the extra mile for you I must say, searching all these out.

If, where you live, the ambient temperature is high, you should consider a CPU cooler. Here's one which is inexpensive and does the job:

The CPU in the build I chose isn't a K edition one. So it doesn't overclock. However if you get a K edition CPU and pair it with a
cooler such as the one above, you can start to OC your computer. It doesn't necessarily give you a performance increase which you
can feel, but it can still be quite fun. Furthermore, the GPU in my build is better than the GTX 750 Ti. If you're playing at FHD, or
1920 x 1080 as we know it, then you'll have a pretty solid experience in the games which you mentioned. I also included
Windows in the build in case you don't have it. Lastly, I included a Gold rated power supply and an SLI-ready motherboard.
This means that over time, the more efficient Gold rated PSU will save you money if electricity is expensive in your area
and the SLI-ready motherboard will allow you to add in a second GPU if you feel like it, so that you have options.

Oh and the windowed case will allow you to put LED strips inside your case and give it a really epic red glow.

Options = the whole idea of PC gaming.

Wow, I cannot thank you enough. I also want to ask, I would like to go a bit cheaper than a GTX 960, then maybe upgrade in the future? Also I wont be overclocking.
For your original budget I suggest go with:
CPU: Intel i5-4460 (try to get a used one for a reasonable price if not that then get a lesser CPU)
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti FTW Edition
Motherboard: you could go with something like Gigabyte GA-H81-AMP LGA 1150 ATX MB
Case: If you go for looks you can get Corsair-SPEC 01 and if you want a solid case with good cable management get the Corsair 200R
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2x4)
Storage: 1TB Seagate Barracuda or Western Digital Caviar Blue (doesn't really matter)
PSU: I'd say a 500W from EVGA will do fine
Optical Drive: If you are going for one of these just get the cheapest one from ASUS or Samsung it really doesn't matter.
This is just a rough idea for a PC.

Yeah, I saw that. Awesome and thanks. Will get a job this school holiday to save up as quickly as possible. The red and black theme is going to look awesome.I am planning on spray painting the bezels and the wall behind my monitors red and black to match the case and look awesome. I cant wait until I actually start playing on this PC! Thanks a bunch again

I will ask around and see if i should just get a gtx 750 ti for now and then get a gtx 960 in the future and have the 750 ti run two of my monitors and have the 960 run my main monitor

Thank you, but I really want to go for Skylake because that gives me more upgradability.
Oh I forgot to add monitors. My bad.

For a monitor you want at least 1920 x 1080. It's not too extreme, so it won't kill your GPU and it's not so terrible that
you'll have a bad experience. Then there's the question of response rate and IPS. Response rate is relevant for you and you
don't want higher than 5ms; especially not since you're going to play some fast-paced games. Then there's IPS - In-Plane-Switching.
It gives you better viewing angles, so that you don't have to sit precisely in front of your monitor to see what's going on.
It also makes colors more "vibrant", which is great for if you're image-editing and/or playing colorful games.
Lastly there's size and I don't know what you prefer. Most people stick to between 21-24" I think, while some like 27".
It's really up to you. There's pros and cons to both, but it's mostly a preference question. With a 27" monitor for example,
you might not need dual monitors.


27"/5ms/No IPS/

24"/2ms/No IPS/

24"/2ms/No IPS/





I lean towards Asus monitors myself. But here's a bit of everything for you to choose from. All of them will be good.

Lastly, there's nothing wrong with the GTX 750 Ti. You want at least 30FPS and it can handle that in many games.




I also don't know if you know, but check the connectivity options:

This means you can potentially connect up to 3 monitors. It's not good to have two different GPUs in the same computer
Oh yeah do go with skylake. I was in a rush to leave when I made that last post so I didn't do any research or anything. It was more of a rough idea. The idea of a 750ti for two monitors and 960 for main monitor seems like a good one too.

I have 2 questions, are both those Asus monitors the same, except for one having a smaller bezel and one having built in speakers? And also, why is it a bad idea to have two different graphics cards in one PC? I don't know much about this and am just asking (yeah, I know, all these questions are getting annoying). And also, below your reply RTW970 said that is it a good idea to have the 750ti run 2 of my monitors and have the 960 run my main monitor (which im thinking is probably going to be the ASUS VC239H monitor 😛 [thanks X79])

Thank you for your rough idea, I will probably use that idea when building my home theater PC for my living room xD

Also, I'm confused with the 750ti running the 2 monitors and the 960 running my main monitor, as you have said it's a good idea and X79 said that "It's not good to have two different GPUs in the same computer
generally.". Have you had experience with 2 different graphics cards in the same computer and running different monitors on each one of them? If so please tell me if you had any problems.
Sorry I didn't mean two GPs in one system I kinda meant if you made another system in future. A lot of people listened to do this when they want to do two things at once with different monitors like ie, video rendering on one monitor gaming on the other etc. I didn't exactly mean that you should get a second system which seems out of your budget right now but I meant a 750ti for another system or something whatever it is seemed nice if ever you were to get one.
But on point I'd say if you're going with your original budget (with sky lake CPU) the gtx 750ti would be good but if you go with the increased budget, get the gtx 960 or a card of that range.

But if I wanted to could I run my 2 side monitors off of my gtx 750 ti and then my main monitor (in the middle) off a gtx 960? Or will that cause problems?
Let me clarify.

You probably *could* run two different GPUs, but it might turn out to be a little weird, due to the different sizes of them
and perhaps different power requirements. But it may also complicate things when you try to configure your graphics options,
as you'd have to manually pick which card is going to run where and when.

Then it's better to have 2 of the same cards, which is known as SLI when it's about Nvidia cards and Crossfire X when it's about AMD cards. You can easily connect 3 monitors to 1 GPU. You don't need two. Which means if you get a powerful GPU, you can also game on 3 monitors. So instead of mixing your GPUS, either get two GTX 750 Tis or two of another GPU type. Then they can also work in unison to power your games.

When you say your "2 side monitors", I assume it's the same system we're talking about. As I pointed out earlier,
check the connectivity options for each GPU and if it corresponds to whatever monitor you're going to use. Things like
HDMI, DVI and so on. As you'll find, a lot of those GPUS can run at least 3 monitors per card. Also yes, there's sometimes
not a big difference between the monitors. You can see the differences in detail by clicking on the links.

Yes, by side monitors I do mean on the same system. But I'm wondering, will the 750 ti be able to handle playing a game on one monitor while having, lets say skype or teamspeak and google chrome open on the 2 other monitors? I'm just wondering, because I don't want the performance to drop on the main screen because I am viewing pictures on the side monitor on google chrome.
Of course it all depends on usage. If you could afford it, a GTX 970, 960 or 950 would really help though.
But that's the beauty of SLI. If you don't get the performance you want, then pop in another identical card
and then you'll perhaps see a performance increase. I say perhaps, because not all GPUs scale equally well in
SLI and Crossfire. You can find reviews for that online though.

Lol, "perhaps". I will see what I can do to get a 960. Thank you for all your help :)