New gaming system build


Nov 6, 2012

im gonna build a new pc for gaming like BF4 and Gta 5

my specs are :
Intel i5 4440
MSI H81M-P33
Antec VP600P
Amd R9 290 Club 3D

i got some questions about my parts

Is the I5 4440 decent for gaming?
Is the MSi H81M-P33 good for my I5 4440?
i noted the MSI H81M-P33 has a PCI 2.0 Will this affect the performance of the R9 290 ?
is the Antec Vp600P enough to power my system up ?
Is the intel Stock cooler good enough ?
Is club a good gpu brand?

Is this system future proof ?
Is the I5 4440 decent for gaming?
Is the MSi H81M-P33 good for my I5 4440?
They work together . But the board is cheap because its pretty much free of features and expansion options
i noted the MSI H81M-P33 has a PCI 2.0 Will this affect the performance of the R9 290 ?
is the Antec Vp600P enough to power my system up ?
Not really , no . Minimum recommended is 650 watt , and it should have at least a bronze rating
Is the intel Stock cooler good enough ?
would they include it if it wasnt?
Is club a good psu brand?

Is this system future proof ?
no system is future proof . Your build is cheap

for you it is maybe a cheap build for me it isnt. i alread went 200 euro up on my budget to get an R9 280

you maybeh ave SLI Gtx 980 with an i7 4770K and 16 Gb ram. but that doesnt mean everyone needs that

Whice feuters do i get ? im not overclocking or upgrading at all.
i wont go SLI. i wont go to an i7. i am planning to stick for 4-5 years with this build
you will be good i am also using h81 chipset with my i5 4460 and gtx 970
its running beautiful
i have compare performance between my pc and good motherboard pc
nothing special they are same you can not see any difference
if dont need to sli or oveclock youre good with it

The R9 290 has a TDP of like 250Watt
The i5 4440 has 84 Watt
Running 1 7200Rpm HDD
runnin 5 120mm led fans


if you buy r9 290 you will need 600watt or 650watt psu
buy gtx 970 500watt psu would be enough

the gtx 970 cost here 360 euro
the R9 290 cost 290 euro. i already went uo 90 euro from a r9 280 to an r9 290. and i am already way over budget
an gtx 970 is way to expensive for me

wont the vp600p be enough ? and is it bronze certified ?

i will not trust a 600watt psu for r9 290

that psu cost already 80 euros while the vp600p cost 50-55 euro
isnt the vp600p enough ?
is the vp600p bronze certified ?

whice psu is the best for an i5 4440 and r9 290 on for under 55 euro ?

oh btw i am looking for an different power supply in that range since the vp600p has dual rail 12v