New GPU blank screen


Aug 17, 2013
Hey I just ordered a new GPU a Asus GTX 760 OC put it in and booted it up but the screen remains blank but I get one post beep as always.

I tried the old GPU and it booted fine past the POST and into windows (the old gpu is a asus gtx 650)

My PSU is a Corsair CX600m and my motherboard is a MSI 760Gm'FX or something very close AFAIK so what do I do? I've looked through other posts like this with no working solution so I thought I would start a new one... Anyway help is appreciated
true. the asus has 1 8pin and you pci express slot is working since the pc posts with the 650. You have sufficient psu also.
I would try to test the card on another pc to decide. Maybe the card is faulty.

Hmm I've done that about 2 months ago, is it that this card is not supported in this firmware? Because I don't think there has been a update since.

Yup I have done all but BIOS update but I don't think there is anything newer. The old GPU works fine

The Asus GTX 760 has 1x 8'pin, but yes I have.

EDIT I'm guessing at this point it may have came DOA although I'm not sure. It's possible though... Ah Ebay. I would still like some feedback though :)
true. the asus has 1 8pin and you pci express slot is working since the pc posts with the 650. You have sufficient psu also.
I would try to test the card on another pc to decide. Maybe the card is faulty.

I'll try although in don't have another PC maybe the local PC shop will help the latest was April 2013 a month before the 700 series release :/'I'm not sure. I'll try to get it to work anyway thanks for help.
First of all you need to TOTALLY remove all the old drivers. Use this link.
Select the respective company(i.e Nvidia or ATI) drivers to be uninstalled.
Use clean and shutdown option.(I think so) or use the option which says for installing new graphics card.
And then install the new drivers after rebooting.

The PC doesent boot at all though 1 post beep and a black screen can't get to windows on the new one. Although would this matter? And if you know from what I said is my motherboard too old? Maybe I should have waited before I picked best answer

Edit although I try to boot with no. HDD same problem

So this would work? Even with my above mentioned end edit?!!?!

I do not think this will work since the problem is on post and not windows or whichever os. I am pretty sure it is not driver related.


Ya it should


Ahhhh didn't work...'I'm just gonna call it DOA and return to sender. I've never had this much trouble with a GPU 🙁