Question New Gpu no signal, now old gpu not showing signal either. No internal graphics

Oct 14, 2019
HELP. I'm frustrated as hell and need serious help. Today, I purchased a new gigabyte rtx 2070 super and a seasonic gold 650 w PSU. My computer ran fine all day before the swap. I first switched the PSU, all cables have Been double, tripple checked so I know they're fine. I am using a asus b450m plus gaming tuf Mobo,, 16 gig Corsair ram, and a ryzen 7 270 so0 x CPU, which notably has no integrated graphics. After making sure psu was secure, I removed my old gtx 760 and seated screwed and plugged in my new rtx. It turned on fine. I plugged It into my monitor though, and it is not sending a signal. After fidgeting with it, resetting bios, rechecking cables, making sure it was seated perfectly(it was) I tried re plugging in my gtx 760.
Then to my absolute dismay, still, no signal. I have also reset the CMOD battery and pressed my mobos bios reset. If the solution is to enter bios settings, then that is impossible because my CPU has no integrated gpu. What do I do? Any ideas? No, I don't need to reseat my ram, no I don't need to rest cmos, no, other monitors and cable formats do not work. PLEASE share some real insight with me here I'm completely lost. The PCI slot looks totally 100% fine, there was no issue installing either gpu, what is happening? Please help
Oct 14, 2019
Turns out the motherboard died after installing the RTX 2700 super. Not sure how, went out and got the exact same as a replacement and now its working perfectly. Any ideas why it could've just died like that? I'm certainly curious.