[SOLVED] new gpu still getting low frames


Feb 4, 2021
i bought a rtx 2080 ti (upgraded from rtx 2060) and after install i am still getting under 100 fps in warzone.
i have a:
cpu amd ryzen 5 3600
gpu rtx 2080 ti
ram 8gb
power supply 500w (i know its low but it runs the card)

how do i fix this issue?????
"so how do i maximize frames and get the most out of my card "

There are multiple issues here (some have been mentioned, others not as much):

  • RAM: 8 GB is only enough RAM to run Windows 10 with basic productivity software and not much more than that. Some people run with only 8 GB of RAM anyway (with negative side affects) but someone who can afford a RTX 2080 Ti should absolutely have 16 GB of RAM or more in their PC. Consider for a moment that your GPU has more RAM right now than the rest of your PC (11 GB vs. 8 GB). You should purchase 2 sticks of 8 GB RAM (not one 16 GB stick, not four 4 GB sticks) with a speed of 3600 MHz. Ryzen CPUs are sensitive to RAM speeds and buying slower RAM or anything other than two appropriately...
i bought a rtx 2080 ti (upgraded from rtx 2060) and after install i am still getting under 100 fps in warzone.
i have a:
cpu amd ryzen 5 3600
gpu rtx 2080 ti
ram 8gb
power supply 500w (i know its low but it runs the card)

how do i fix this issue?????
Your issue isn't laying in gpu preformance you need to upgrade your ram warzone is a ram intensive game as well 8gb is like minimalist for it 16gb is recommended.
2nd Question... what is your monitor resolution? If you are gaming at 1080p, you are still going to be CPU limited as it is more CPU dependent so you won't see a "huge" difference between the two cards. If running 2K or higher, you'll see the greater difference with the GPU.
i run a spectre 165 hz 1080p
i run a spectre 165 hz 1080p
Yes, you will see a difference / more FPS. You just won't see as large as a difference at high resolutions of 2K + .

I would recommend going with a 2K monitor, as that will push your GPU more and won't be controlled by the CPU, as much. Other things is run different / lower settings and turn of RayTracing if you are running it.
"so how do i maximize frames and get the most out of my card "

There are multiple issues here (some have been mentioned, others not as much):

  • RAM: 8 GB is only enough RAM to run Windows 10 with basic productivity software and not much more than that. Some people run with only 8 GB of RAM anyway (with negative side affects) but someone who can afford a RTX 2080 Ti should absolutely have 16 GB of RAM or more in their PC. Consider for a moment that your GPU has more RAM right now than the rest of your PC (11 GB vs. 8 GB). You should purchase 2 sticks of 8 GB RAM (not one 16 GB stick, not four 4 GB sticks) with a speed of 3600 MHz. Ryzen CPUs are sensitive to RAM speeds and buying slower RAM or anything other than two appropriately matched sticks of RAM will leave performance on the table.
  • CPU: I can't tell you how many posters on this forum have complained about low fps when using a Ryzen 2600/3600 CPU. The Ryzen 3600 is a good all-around CPU, but its low boost clocks, low IPC and high internal latency which means it is not built for pumping out high frame rates. Before your GPU can do anything, your CPU has to pre-render a frame before it can be sent to the GPU. Right now, your CPU isn't running at its best due to not having enough RAM to be able to access and instead having to request data from your hard drive at times. Upgrading your RAM will help your 3600 to perform the best it can, but even with enough correctly-speced RAM, the Ryzen 3600 (as I have seen time and time again) is unable to hit much more than 100 fps with warzone. This is true no matter how much you turn down your in-game settings because most of those settings affect the GPU not the CPU; by turning down settings all you will do is decrease the load on your GPU which is already being underutilized. You have paired a very powerful GPU with an entry-level CPU (by 2021 standards) which will result in your Ryzen 3600 running at its limit and your RTX 2080 Ti loafing around underutilized.
Turning up graphical settings and increasing your resolution with a 1440p monitor (as has been mentioned earlier by another poster) will increase the utilization of your RTX 2080 Ti, but it will not increase your frame rate; you'll still be just as CPU limited as before. Once you've fixed your RAM situation, the only way to increase your frame rate from there will be a better CPU. I suggest a Ryzen 5600x or better. The 5600x is such an improvement over the 3600x that it surpassed Intel for the best 6 core 12 thread gaming CPU. With reduced internal latency, higher boost clocks and increased IPC, a Ryzen 5600x will not cause you to be CPU limited and you'll be able to hit much higher frame rates.
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