New Graphic Card Trouble, Any Ideas?


Aug 14, 2002
I was trying to install a new video card in my computer which I built with advice from these forms over 1 year ago. That computer has a pentium 4 2.4 processer with 512 mb of ram. The motherboard is an asus P4B533-E with the most current bios update. I have a xfx Geforce4 TI4200A video card in the computer and all runs fine.

The trouble is I tried to install a PowerColor Radeon 9800se video card in it. The install went fine and I used a program to test the benchmarks and the game demos and results looked fine. I tried a few different programs on the computer and everything worked like before. I then tried to play a dvd in the computer and when it tries to play I just get a bunch of different colored blocks with a vague outline of a picture for about a second and then the media player locks up and windows xp seems to lock up and then will give a message showing there was an error. I tried a few things such as trying two different media player programs and also tried the dvd in my dvd drive as well as my dvd-r drive and could not make it work. I took out the 9800se card and put the old one back in and everything works fine including the dvd.

Also when I had the 9800se video card in I made sure the only drivers listed for it in the device manager were only the ones that were supposed to be there for this card.

Any ideas? p.s. could it be that my motherboard with its AGP Pro slot is to outdated for the AGP 8x 9800se Card to work properly on everything. Thanks
Sounds to me it could very well be a defective card. But you did say it played and benchmarked fine. Did you correctly unistall the old drivers for the NVIDIA card useing <A HREF="" target="_new">Driver Cleaner</A>?

Otherwise it might be a Directx issue if you dont have 9.0b go out and grab that as well.


<font color=orange>Scratch Here To Reveal Prize</font color=orange>
I did not use drive cleaner, in fact I do not think I removed the NVIDIA drivers at all. I removed the old video card and then installed the new one. I looked under the device manager and under display adapter and the only ones that showed were the new ones that I installed. I do remember see the NVIDIA drivers still in add/remove programs after I installed the 9800se card. when I installed the 9800se card the installtion disk showed that it loaded direct x so I would think that should be ok. I will check the direct x version and try installing the 9800se card again. I will try to use drive cleaner also. I will post again later. Thanks for the reply.
Sounds to me it could very well be a defective card.
That's about the worst advice you could give, and it's also the easiest answer to spit out. If you simply want to bump your post count, go to the "other's" forum.

***********To the original poster**********
What kind of DvD software are you using to watch your movies on? maybe you need to reinstall your codec's? This is'nt the first time this problem has come up here, and I've seen it first hand in my Dad's machine, when he went from an MX-440, to my old 8500, he got blocky textures, and severe stuttering. I installed WinDVD on his system, and it fixed his problem. Give some other software a try.

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
I have tired windows media player and power dvd, both have the same trouble. I should maybe also have stated that I had some dvd movie files on the hard drive and they acted the same way as when trying from the dvd or dvd/r drives. I will try your suggestion also. Thank You.
Good luck :wink:

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
Go back and change your post a couple more times....

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
I didn't change it at all it always said that. I think you just read it wrong which happens, it's no big deal.


<font color=orange>Scratch Here To Reveal Prize</font color=orange>
lol...ok :smile:

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
Seriously dude, it's no big deal....

<A HREF="" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
Not unininstalling the NV drivers is asking for trouble. I would take the following steps and see if your troubles go away.

1) With your 9800se in, uninstall the ATI drivers in control panel.

2) stick in your Ti4200 and uninstall the NV drivers in control panel.

3) uninstall Power DVD

4) put the 9800se back in and use <A HREF="" target="_new"> Detonator RIP </A> to get rid of those nasty NV driver bits that may be left on your system.

5) install the newest ATI drivers Cat 4.3

6) reinstall Power DVD or a different DVD program if one came with the 9800SE.

7) try playing a DVD.

You could save time and just try steps, 3,6,7, but it really is worth taking the time to clean off the old drivers as you may find many annoying issues pop over here and there if you don't. My advice try all 7 steps in order and report back here if the same thing is still happening.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
Thank You to all who posted, I uninstalled the nvida drivers, used drive cleaner, and reinstalled power dvd. I have not tried to much but all seems fine now, I think it was in fact the nvida drivers causing the trouble. Thanks again.
Try uninstalling, and reinstalling, your player software.

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