New graphic card


Jun 24, 2018
Im going to buy a new gpu/GTX 1070 i hade a gtx 1060. But how easy is it to install a new gpu. Are you just going to get out to old and put in the new and play games? I have some questions, will the nvivia control panel be defult and reset or will it have the same setting that my old gtx 1060 hade because my gtx 1060 is bottlenecking and i dont whant the 1070 to have tha same problem. I chacked on userbanchmark and my gaming performance with the 1060 was 70% and with the 1070 it was 94%. I don't really know if it's worth it to buy a gtx 1070. I have asked the community that i was going to buy a rayzen 7 2700x buy when i checked on userbenchmark the gaming performance with the ryzen 7 only whent up 76%. I thought when i build the PC that the gtx 1060 will play any game smooth and soft but now i know that it can not. So should a buy a gtx 1070 and will it come with defult setting like the PC was brand new because as i said i don't whant the gpu to bottleneck. Thanks!

Ryzen 3 1300x

gtx 1060 6gb

SSD MP500 128gb PCIe

Ram 16gb 2x8


Windows 10

SSD kingstone 480gb

Motherboard AX370 gaming K3


monitor 144hz

i don't know how to overclock the cpu but i play battlefield 1, gta v, csgo, Rainbow six, Fortnite, minecraft, Raft

I think my going to buy battlefield 5 but the prblem is that on battlefield 1 on low setting i get around 40-70 fps

My ram speed is 2666 MHz
The gpu's is going to basically be your "bottleneck" when it comes to gaming.

What the others replying are suggesting is that a gtx1060 should be very playable for most anything. So if you are having trouble running something it's likely not the gpu. Assuming there isn't some extremely demanding game and high resolution you are trying to run. And they dont want to see you spend money on an upgrade that isn't very cost efficient.

To your question, the upgrade should be very easy. Remove the old card and install the new. Windows should update the drivers then nvidia control panel should take it from there (you may need to reinstall it. But I dont remember). There should be easy to follow instructions with the gpu anyway.

Have you set RAM to 2666 in BIOS?

Well, I used to play BF1 with a 1060 6GB + i7-4790K and I would get 60-90fps in multiplayer ultra settings. A 4790K is a bit more than a 1300X though, so I'd expect less.

I don't think so i don't even know how to go in to the BIO setting with my cpuany tips how to go in and change the settings?

Did you build this PC or buy it prebuilt?

Usually you press a key such as DEL or a Function key to enter BIOS right after the system powers on but before system boot up.

i built it