Hello this is my second time on this thread and i had this question itching because you guys probably know the answer to this. What graphics card can i be that'll work with a pcie 1.1 and 300 watt psu. Something that gives the most kick for it's dollar. I have an intel core 2 duo 2.5 ghz and some acer mobo which is from 2010 if those specs are helpful in any way. I really just want something i can plug in. Download some drivers and play on. My current gpu is an overclocked 8500 gt which was definately better than my integrated graphics for atleast light gaming. I just wanna be able to play on 1920x1080 on low with some smooth fps of around 90 because some of the games i play like combat arms get laggier in some gamemodes. I usually play games like combat arms, league of legends, maplestory, and bf3 occasionally when bored but currently cant because its really choppy even on the lowest settings.