New hard drive showing as 3gb instead of 3tb and will not initialize after failed migration

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Mar 4, 2017
I thought my old hard drive was dieing so I got a new bigger one and after a failed os migration the new hard drive only shows up as only being 3gb instead of 3tb. It also won't initialize saying there is an I/O error. I know it is a 3tb hard drive because that's what it said before the migration. Ive looked around and cant seem to find my specific problem.
You might be dealing with a defective HDD.

You indicate this "3 TB" HDD has been newly-purchased, yes?

Was it purchased from a reputable dealer and was it a retail, boxed version of the HDD?

Or was this sold as a used or "refurbished" drive?

We ask all this because we've come across at least two (as I recall) large-capacity HDDs in the past where Disk Management reported the disks having unallocated disk-space of 3.86 GB. It turned out that in both cases someone calling himself a "technician" had tampered with the drive's controller causing the drive to be defective. There was no practical "fix" for these drives and they were trashed.

I suppose it's possible the drive is defective straight from the manufacturer but I've never...
You might be dealing with a defective HDD.

You indicate this "3 TB" HDD has been newly-purchased, yes?

Was it purchased from a reputable dealer and was it a retail, boxed version of the HDD?

Or was this sold as a used or "refurbished" drive?

We ask all this because we've come across at least two (as I recall) large-capacity HDDs in the past where Disk Management reported the disks having unallocated disk-space of 3.86 GB. It turned out that in both cases someone calling himself a "technician" had tampered with the drive's controller causing the drive to be defective. There was no practical "fix" for these drives and they were trashed.

I suppose it's possible the drive is defective straight from the manufacturer but I've never encountered the specific situation that you reported.

You didn't indicate the make/model of the drive; have you been able to test it with the manufacturer's HDD diagnostic tool?
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