New here looking for some help!


May 15, 2008
Hi I am new here and need help salvaging my aling 939 custom PC!

I am in need of a good cheap dual core AMD 64 for a 939 board!

I am also wondering what the best upgrade would be for a Vid card?
I currently have a not so stellar 6600GT, I currently only play WOW and my wife plays CoH/CoV, my board excepts PCI-e x16, the main plus!!! I am currently looking at an 8800GTS from MSI, it is the 320mb version at $ 144.99 on the Egg. What is better Nvidia or ATI? Would and 8800 be good or to much for my system? Would like the ability to play newer games if I find one I like.

I am open to suggestions, my frame rates in wow are only 13-22 stable with some minimal lag since I added a GB of ram, before that frames ranged from 5-44fps, and CoH/CoV has some lag!!

Current system specs:

Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 939 Nvidia nForce4 4x Motherboard

2GB PC3200 DDR Ram

AMD Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego 2.2GHz Single Core Processor

Asus EN6600/TD/256 256MB 128bit DDR Graphics Card 6600GT

500watt PSU

80GB 7200 SATA Hard Drive

3x 80mm Blue LED Case Fans (1 side exhaust with vent tube, 1 front, 1 top intake with filter)

1x 120mm Blue LED Rear Exhaust Case Fan

LG DVD/CD RW drive

Creative Audagy 2 Sound Card

Any help to upgrade this machine would be great!!! Can't afford a new build but would love to!!! Please help me out! I need to know what would be the best route to go price/performance wise, Processor or vid card?
Hi Dude
If my memory serves me correctly (which it doesn't often) the San Diegos clock reasonably well. If I am right then I'd strap an aftermarket cooler on it & clock the **** off it.
Sling an 8800 in & you'll be Very happy with the improvement.