My current home server it a little outdated, so I'm looking into building a new one.
CPU: intel or amd is fine
Mobo: brand doesn't matter
Ram: brand and amount doesn't matter
Graphics: not needed
Hdd: 6x2tb(or larger, depending on cost) raid5
OS: Ubuntu server
Case: needed
Use: sabnzbd, sickbeard, SQL database for xbmc, plex server, FTP server and a little more power for future use
Keyboard/mouse/monitor not needed
CPU: intel or amd is fine
Mobo: brand doesn't matter
Ram: brand and amount doesn't matter
Graphics: not needed
Hdd: 6x2tb(or larger, depending on cost) raid5
OS: Ubuntu server
Case: needed
Use: sabnzbd, sickbeard, SQL database for xbmc, plex server, FTP server and a little more power for future use
Keyboard/mouse/monitor not needed