So, im building a new HTPC. Here is what im looking for.
1. Basic video functions.
(I have a PS3 which i will play blueray from)
2. Network storage. im hoping to have this on my network and store everything on this machine. I have a 1TB drive, and might pick up a second if i need more storage.
3. I do plan to stream my media over the web to other computers.
I want to have a standalone HTPC so I can game, whie someone else is accessing media on the network, and not have it bog down my main computer.
My budge is around 300-350 american. here is what i have so far
CPU, AMD Phenom 9350e
Ram, WINTEC AMPO 4GB (2 x 2GB)
I already have a 1 TB drive, Dvd/Rom drive, Vista Ultimate 64bit. Later on, I will probably add a tv tuner card, and possibly a sound card. As for the Case, and PSU, im not really sure yet. I want something that is going to be out of the way, and not an eye sore. Some cases have a PSU, but im sure i can pick up a micro ATX one pretty easy.
I will probably pick up a small second HD, just for the OS. I work for a web hosting company, so HD's dissapear all the time
1. Basic video functions.
(I have a PS3 which i will play blueray from)
2. Network storage. im hoping to have this on my network and store everything on this machine. I have a 1TB drive, and might pick up a second if i need more storage.
3. I do plan to stream my media over the web to other computers.
I want to have a standalone HTPC so I can game, whie someone else is accessing media on the network, and not have it bog down my main computer.
My budge is around 300-350 american. here is what i have so far
CPU, AMD Phenom 9350e
Ram, WINTEC AMPO 4GB (2 x 2GB)
I already have a 1 TB drive, Dvd/Rom drive, Vista Ultimate 64bit. Later on, I will probably add a tv tuner card, and possibly a sound card. As for the Case, and PSU, im not really sure yet. I want something that is going to be out of the way, and not an eye sore. Some cases have a PSU, but im sure i can pick up a micro ATX one pretty easy.
I will probably pick up a small second HD, just for the OS. I work for a web hosting company, so HD's dissapear all the time