New Immigration Law

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Just my two cents.....

Why are people coming here? Because their country sucks. Lets make it as plain as what it is, Mexico sucks ass to live in right now, especially along the border. So maybe we should invest some of that border patrol money into making northern Mexico less of a hell on earth.

The thing I like with this policy is its not punishing kids. They didn't choose to come here or have illegal Mexican parents so why are they being punished like criminals?

Also, we did educate them, trained them, they have friends and family here, maybe even.... jobs...

So how does it make sense to send the most apt people out of the country and keep the criminal element? People will always try coming here and probably more so when their entire lives are going to be taken away to a country they might have lived in for a few short years or less.

The oldest people staying under this law are 30 year olds.

This is the most that a president can do to influence this issue. Now it is up to congress to pass legislation and create worker programs. It may be a ploy for votes but don't be naive to think that this is not normal election tactics. There can be multiple reasons behind this decision as well, like the overwhelming pressure on the President from multiple influential minority rights groups.
But, as a leader, he has to work with congress, as he was supposedly this type of leader, and he has failed miserably, at least in this area, where its plain to see, and mostly agreed upon on both sides.
Resorting to these actions, or non actions does no one any good, and only makes a cloudy situation murkier, and possibly sets back real legislation.

I have a fair understanding of the situation, and something needs to truly be resolved, but these actions can also harm solutions, not make them better, as was my earlier comment, as often a few can spoil it for the many, and was taken out of context, and no, I still wouldnt want to be the one to have to talk to a family that got on the wrong end of any tragedy, which plays into just one scenario where these non actions can take us, simply because of its looseness and non resolve, without the peoples and its representatives input, which usually satisfies the majority, even those somewhat opposed.
When he and his party held majorities, they did nothing, which is a strike against him and his party.
Understand, I want these issues resolved, and they failed, now this is also a failure as well.
I have great interest and respect to our neighbors to the south, as well as great admiration to those who came here, and is what drives my desire for resolution.

This country was made great by immigrants who legally immigrated to this country, followed the laws, and worked hard.

The issue with immigration is that people are not following the legal path. It requires time, patience, and a lot of work. These people are capable of only holding under the table, or low paying jobs.

Now, I will fully admit that our government has completely screwed up the immigration policy and it needs overhauled. I have many friends who went through the process legally to come here and are doing well. Oddly enough, someone who wants to come to the US and won't legally do it, breaks our law to come here for the benefits we have worked so hard to have available. They're already breaking our laws by being here illegally. Go the legal route.. but they don't want to because they don't plan on doing better for themselves; they want their kids to be legal citizens and have all the benefits without having to contribute.

I know families that the parents, when young, worked in the fields with their parents, and now have better jobs, working hard at them.
Their kids are pushed, compelled and assisted in their schooling, and education is held highly in those households.
It took 3 generations, but the kids are doing well, for the most part, as with anyone, some are just lacking, some have no built in desires, and some are excelling receiving scholarships, or basically, like anyone elses family.
Sometimes wrongful status is perceived by the younger ones, as well as mom and dad, and a big new car is important, as having good things is new to them, but this isnt a rule, just an observance, while others are going to law school etc.

Ive had an iron in this fire before, and I wont forget it.
Shame on Obama to cheapen a poor attempt at a temporary law/rule, where any new president can easily turn it over, and just for votes.

What are you talking about?? He passed no laws and its completely within his power to do this if he views deporting kids as being unconstitutional.

Do your own research since I am a retard I would probably screw it up.
It is perfectly legal.

The administration is saying we aren't going to waste resources going after these people.

Great discussion though guys. I think we went a whole two posts before it got ridiculous. Im sorry I ever posted anything.


Hey now, I REsemblE that remark
I dont see how its politically motivated he already has an almost 70% approval rating with Hispanic voters.

What is being done is that a limited and temporary exception is being created for a certain class of people that will give them relief from the threat of deportation (as long as they don’t commit a major crime) for a period of two years. It isn’t a path to citizenship. It won’t allow anyone who isn’t a citizenship to vote. And, anyone who is covered by this policy will still have to go through the same process as everyone else to receive a work permit. This isn’t even the only such exception that has been implemented by an American President. There’s one that applies to certain refugees from Central America that has been in place for more than a decade now, and another that applies to immigrants from China that was put in place under George W. Bush.

From Mark Shurtleff, Utah's very conservative Attorney General:

“Law enforcement makes decisions based on the resources available to them — until Congress acts, we’ll be left with too many people to deport,” Shurtleff said. “The administration is saying, `Here’s a group we could be spending our resources going after, but why? They’re Americans, they see themselves as Americans, they love this country.’”

Shurtleff added that the decision, by allowing children brought here illegally to go to school and work, could encourage them to stay out of gangs — which he called a “conservative” goal. He dismissed the claim that this would encourage further illegal immigration, noting that the president’s plan has a cutoff — you are only eligible if you came here before you turned 16 and are younger than 30, and have been in the country for at least five continuous years.

So its legal and 2/3 of Americans approve of it. Shouldn't we maybe listen to the will of the people?

Hasnt the Obama administration deported more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration?

Didnt the Obama administration even say that it was going to focus on deporting the criminal element and stop deporting hard working immigrants?. No one reported on that, why weren't you in an uproar then?

The system is already backed up because of poor funding for immigration, why not relieve the burden by not chasing down every illegal immigrant? Let the productive hard working people stay.

So its not illegal you just dont like it. Its not unpopular you just dont like it.
More power to Ecuador as they too see things as Obama does, and grants Assange asylum.
Im sure the majority there will appreciate his contacts and monies
Since they arent in any way obstructing justice, by not reinforcing Swedens or GBs wishes

I guess one way of thinking about this is like with drug cases. You dont always have to do 30 days (Or whatever) for an offense, even though that's what the LAW states. You can get probation, or counseling if you meet certain criteria.

I think that is a valid analogy, correct me if Im wrong.
But those things are also the law, and taken into consideration, as approved by the courts.
Here, we see no courts, and 1 perspective of considerations, not many.
The main problem, besides Obama using this as a ploy, making him smaller than he was, is that this does nothing to solve a problem involving real people, real lives, the economies of various states and households, legal status etc etc, and can be undone on whim, being that this is such a whimsical act itself.
We all, including the illegals, deserve better.
This is shooting from the hip on something too important
But again who is he trying to buy over? The 70% of Hispanic voters that were going to already vote for him or the 65% of people who approve of this legislation?

The people under this plan wont be able to vote, and they will still have to apply for work permit, and go through the process to become a citizen.


The reason it didn't pass congress was because of obstructionism from the conservative members. Its become abundantly clear that you are against this solely for the reason that a Democratic President enacted it.
Its within his power, you continue to ignore that. It is a good thing for the kids who view this country as their home as well. Not to mention that our immigration system is already so backlogged that we can't even process all of the deportations. Why waste money on the kids going to school and doing good in society when we can concentrate on the real trouble makers? This is only a 2 year pass for them, they still have to get citizenship like everyone else. You have no real argument here OMG other then the election ramifications which is a valid one but I think is being overstated. No many Latino's vote republican anyways since they want to kick all of them out of the country.
@Oldman just so we are all clear you have no problem with the policy just how Obama used a Policy Directive (Please correct me if that is the wrong term) to achieve it.

Is that correct?

Or is an executive order? I find quite a few sites that list one or the other.
Its just funny that Bush can sign over 200 Executive orders including one that looks suspiciously like it include a part of the dream act

Expedite naturalization of Immigrant fighting for our country.

Or this one that lets Illegal immigrants into our country based on the recommendations of the AG, from Carribean nations.

Or the executive order Bush implemented for warrantless wire tapping?

Or this Bush EO:

Or the Bush Stem Cell restriction legislation(In his defense it was still better than nothing)

Or this Bush EO, which basically legalizes harsh interrogation methods, aome of which bend the geneva convention rules - Still classified

Or this Bush EO, letting federally subsidized religious groups to not hire you based on religion

Or this Bush EO that lets him say boom you are a terrorist.

Its not anything new if you read up a bit on Executive Orders.

You just dont like it. You also realize these people are actually already here right?
Its not like he is completely disregarding the law, he deported more illegals than any presidents since 1960 or something like that. He is just giving a slight window for the educated and law abiding of them to get jobs and get on the path towards earning their citizenship.

Why focus on these kids when we can focus on deporting the people that really need deported? Quit being blinded by your hatred of our President and look at this logically.