[SOLVED] New mobo - The system cannot find any bootable device

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Sep 26, 2021
Hello, I have a new build, using "Tuf Gaming b550+ (wifi)" mobo. I have an SSD with windows installed (mulitiboot windows os) from my old PC (no uefi), which I just grab and stick it in to my new PC.

BIOS recognizes the SSD as storage, but not as a bootable device. Any advice on how to make it bootable without losing my data in there? Any troubleshooting steps I should try first?

Here are the things I've already tried:
  • changed sata cable
  • reflashed/updated bios using bios flashback
  • changed to windows uefi in BIOS
  • tried optimal defaults again in BIOS
  • tried to plug in sata2, sata3, etc.
Also, not sure if is important, but on my (very) old PC, the SSD worked in "sata" mode not in "ahci" mode. My old mobo has 3 modes for Sata: AHCI, SATA, RAID. And it was in SATA mode before removing it. This new mobo only has AHCI or RAID.

Thanks in advance!

Screenshot of errors and other bios settings:
View: https://imgur.com/a/2fsuQhf
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. I have an SSD with windows installed (mulitiboot windows os) from my old PC (no uefi), which I just grab and stick it in to my new PC.
That rarely works in the best of conditions.

But for this, may we assume that you had more than one drive in the old system?
And that when you installed the OS on the SSD, more than one drive was connected?
This resulted in the small boot partition residing on some other drive.
Lacking that, no boot for you.

But, that is mostly irrelevant.
Your new system needs a fresh OS install anyway.


. I have an SSD with windows installed (mulitiboot windows os) from my old PC (no uefi), which I just grab and stick it in to my new PC.
That rarely works in the best of conditions.

But for this, may we assume that you had more than one drive in the old system?
And that when you installed the OS on the SSD, more than one drive was connected?
This resulted in the small boot partition residing on some other drive.
Lacking that, no boot for you.

But, that is mostly irrelevant.
Your new system needs a fresh OS install anyway.

Sep 26, 2021
Hey, thanks for the quick response!

Yes, I had another old drive HDD that was in my old PC along with the SSD. But I made the SSD primary boot in my old PC, I know it's booting from my SSD and not the HDD.

Yes, actually I didn't really install the OS on the SSD. I cloned it from my HDD (with the intent of just making my HDD the storage disk instead). Unfortunately I cannot install the old HDD in my new PC since I don't have an adapter

But yes thanks, makes sense on what you said. Quick question though, what if I re-clone the SSD from my HDD again? Will that work? I don't have my windows operating systems installs, that's why I cloned it in the first place. Thanks!

That rarely works in the best of conditions.

But for this, may we assume that you had more than one drive in the old system?
And that when you installed the OS on the SSD, more than one drive was connected?
This resulted in the small boot partition residing on some other drive.
Lacking that, no boot for you.

But, that is mostly irrelevant.
Your new system needs a fresh OS install anyway.



A clone from what existed in the old system is no different than moving the physical drive.

This new system needs a fresh OS install, while the drive is in the new system.

Moving a drive (or a clone) between systems has 3 possible outcomes:
  1. It works just fine
  2. It fails completely
  3. It "works", but you're chasing issues for weeks/months.
I've personally seen all 3.

We all want #1, but that is the least likely outcome.
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