News New Mod Doubles L2 Cache On AMD's K6-2+ CPU From 2000

Neat! At least from a nostalgia and niche interest point of view.

I still have one of these on a FIC motherboard, with 128 or 192 MB of RAM, if I recall correctly, running Win98 Lite. I think I overclocked it from 400 to 450Mhz, and undervolted it from 2.0 to 1.8. I think.

Haven't fired it up in over a decade... Wonder if it still works...
"For those that weren't around then, the original K6-2, which came out in 1998, was AMD's direct competitor to Intel's (at the time) flagship Pentium II processor. It featured a 250nm process and a specialized SMID unit designed to speed up 3D calculations, particularly useful for gaming. But the software required to power SMID called 3DNow never fully caught on like Intel's equivalent with its MMX software, which gave Intel a constant advantage with its Pentium II over the K6-2 and K-III in gaming performance. "

This is one of the most inaccurate things I have read on the internet, an amazing feat really... I started writing corrections for everything wrong here but at this point I need to negotiate an hourly rate for doing your job for you first... There may be other things wrong in the article, but at this point I have lost all faith in you as a "tech journalist" so it doesn't really matter.