New modem and router, but which one's best?


Nov 24, 2010
I'm looking to change my modem since the one provided by Comcast kind of sucks and since it looks as though we will remain Comcast customers I'd rather get something else and not spend $10 a month to rent a crappy modem. I found the ARRIS SurfBoard SB6141 and the SB6183. I know the differences but I was just curious as to reliability if the SB6183 is worth it. The SB6141 seems to be revered when it comes to anything that has to do with modems. The SB6183 is only $20 more but has much worse feedback.

I will also need to change my old wireless router with something new. We have a 2500SQFT lot and would like to be able to enjoy internet around here. I've always had netgear wireless routers and always seem to have a problem with each one over the last 8 years. I found the D-Link AC3200 (the one that looks like a drone and is red) to be very good. $290 doesn't seem like an enjoyable price.

So this all leads me to ask, would an SB6183+D-Link AC3200 be worth it or an SB6141 with a lower end router.

Requirements are basically just that the router has 802.11AC, no N/B/G. ONLY AC

Thanks in advance
You can't get a wireless router that is AC but not N. Wireless AC is only a 5Ghz feature. 5Ghz does not cover as much area as 2.4Ghz. Walls will significantly reduce 5Ghz coverage. Anything on 2.4Ghz will be using N. Wireless AC is only going to benefit you if the device is AC enabled. Most aren't.

The AC1900 routers are the sweet spot in the pricing right now.
Don't get that D-link, it has problems and is an enthusiast product at enthusiast price with base model features (Imagine a $90k Mercedes that has the stereo and features of a base model Kia).

The 6141 is a good modem but if you think you will at some point in the lifetime of the modem be getting 300mbps or faster then you should get the 6183 from the get-go.

In regards to routers, for a 2500sq ft you are going to need more then one router (well at least 1 router and 1 access point), no way around it.
The triband routers in no way help with signal coverage, the only benefit they give you is a second 5.0 ghz radio which is only usefull if you have 8 or more wifi devices on the 5ghz band. All the third band does is allows you distribute your load allowing say 4+ 5ghz devices to use one SSID and the other 4+ 5ghz devices to use the other band.
Sorry about my lack of networking knowledge, I've been through multiple wireless routers and each was a fluke. Paid high prices and got crap 6 months later. I may end up going with the SB6141, I don't think I'll be hitting those speeds anytime soon.

I'm a frequent shopper on Newegg and looked up most reviewed routers, the Linksys wireless network (the blue and black one) seems to get the most attention (having over 4k reviews) would you guys be able to direct me in the right direction for the routers? Quality wise. I considered the Blackhawk x8 until I seen the price and almost had a heart attack.

Have had net gear all my life including a dlink and most problems came with the netgears.

If it helps, we have 3 laptops, 4 cell phones and one ps4 on the network.
Agreed that the AC1900s are the sweet spot.

What you also have to realize is that most of the advanced features are useless because only a very very short list of high end wifi adapters (that wont be in any laptop or cellphone) can use that feature. MU-MIMO is an example of one of those super great features that is useless because no device in your house will actually support it.

What is the floorplan of your home because 2500sq ft is going to be tough for any router to handle?

What will likely be the best configuration is to get something like the ASUS AC68U (or 68P) and use your old router as an access point. If you can run an Ethernet cable between the two that would be the most ideal, otherwise a 600mbps or 1000mbps powerline adapter would be the next best thing to use between the routers.
Well setting up 2 routers may be more of a hassle than it would be good. All in all I may end up getting the SB 6141 and the Linksys wrt1900acs when it gets released next month. Thanks anyways guys

There should be nothing wrong with that combo. It looks like the "s" model will have some decent upgrades.
Slight problem. I guess I got too happy and eager to get a new modem and didn't even think about the telephone cable. The SB6141 came in and has only the Ethernet option but I need a telephone one. Looks like I need to return this modem, or is there any other way of doing this?
I think modem is better than router. These days the modems area great benefit to be used in the telecommunication systems with the launch of the radio modems. These are the microwave modems and can transmit more than a hundred million bits per second, which is a very high speed for any modem to practice. The launch of the optical fibers has given rise to the optical modems which are now used for the purpose of transmission of data over undersea optical fibers.

Ahhh... The Comcast VOIP modem. I don't know if there are any alternatives other than switching your VOIP service or keeping the Comcast device.

Yes sir, I wanted to cancel the home phone since we basically just receive commercial calls and typical spam, and the Linksys WRT1900ACS that was just released 3 weeks ago, i had it for a week and t was utter garbage. First linksys and I was excited but turned out it was an epic fail. Returned the Linksys and the SB6141. Hooked back up the old modem and the netgear ac1900 router and all is well. I guess the saying stands true, if it's not broken don't fix it.