New mouse scroll wheel not working


Nov 29, 2011
Just purchased a new Naga Hex V2 and having problems getting the scroll wheel to work. I had another mouse to plug in and it worked fine...but this one is not.

What am I missing?


Nov 29, 2011
18,795 worked when I first plugged it in until just about 1/2 hour ago. So it worked for several hours. My older version Naga Hex scroll wheel stopped working late last night, but when I plugged in my plain Naga (spare mouse) it is unaffected by this. It works fine.

Seems to me that both the Naga Hex and Naga Hex V2 worked until a software it possible to be a software problem?


Nov 29, 2011
UPDATE: I just removed the software Synapse from my pc completely. Rebooted my pc with mouse unplugged. Once system rebooted, I plugged my mouse back in and it was identified by Windows.

So to test this I went to any webpage and tried the scroll wheel function.......voila, it worked. It seems the software update I got last night before my other mouse's scroll wheel stopped working is what broke that function. Thinking the mouse was done for, I went and purchased a new Naga Hex but got the V2 version this time.

Same problem happened after the software recognized I had a new mouse and offered update for the new mouse. Before the new mouse software update the scroll wheel worked just fine, but once that update for it hit my system, the scroll wheel stopped working.

So now I have two programmable mice that I can't use the programmed functions keys for because the software was deleted. If I install it again, I'll lose the scroll wheel function while regaining the programmed functions for the keys. This is really silly.

I've notified the tech who responded from Razer about this little test I did. Have not heard back from him as yet. I'll update with what they make of their problem with the software.

So my mouse with programmable keys is just a plain mouse but the scroll wheel works everywhere now. I do wish some of the software that is pushed for updates was better tested. I suspect there was a conflict with the update to the older Naga Hex synapse as well as the new Naga Hex V2 version of the software update pushed once it was identified as a different mouse from the initial one.
That does sound very strange. You get the software, lose the programmed keys, but no scroll. You lose the software, and no buttons, but get the scroll. Definitely sounds like a bug in the software. Hopefully they will get back to you soon, but probably not because it's the weekend.

Yep, didn't even think to check that. Kind of like "Is it turned on?"


Nov 29, 2011

Oh lordy, yes. I used to work on a help desk at Longaberger to help their consumer/reps with orders from their parties. I can't tell you how many were not computer literate. I even remember asking one person if there was a light on.... "yep, I turn it on every time I enter the room so I can see" laughing while mic is muted.


Nov 29, 2011
Still fighting with Razer over this issue. They have sent me on a scavenger hunt of sorts to update drivers, update Windows Framework (which incidentally, Microsoft says cannot be done the way its baked into the new OS setup), and any number of other odds and ends.

About the only thing I can figure out is maybe something left over in registry but I am no expert and would be afraid to mess with mine for fear of deleting something critical for my pc to work.

So I am back at square one. Mouse works perfectly without the synapse program running, scroll wheel works as intended on all documents, webpages, even in-game as well as on maps. However, turn the synapse program on and the scroll wheel function does not work anywhere, not even in the game. But, the programmable buttons work in game fine, just not the scroll wheel.

I need the scroll wheel function to work all the time no matter if I am using the mouse to browse webpages, documents or playing my game. What I don't need it so much flack from Razer to try and find what is causing their latest update to fail in this regard.

Any suggestions?


Nov 29, 2011
Finally got this issue fixed. Ironically, it was the profiles Razer cs failed to remove from my account on their end. I had asked for them to delete those profiles early on, but they did not do it until the last day shortly after they updated their regular driver software.

Was sort of an after thought added to the email I got to try again.."oh, and we removed your profiles, see if that helps" commentary that really irritated me. Once I downloaded the new updated software and installed it, guess what? The scroll wheel functioned as normal.

I really blasted them back because I had asked for that step way back when I first started having the problems. So all the new copies of the software they suggested I install, uninstall and try again and again failed because of that missing step. Seems someone on their training team needs to address this which is what I told them.

Had they removed the profiles when I asked, this entire mess could have been avoided. Obviously there was a conflict in the software trying to work with corrupted profiles on their end.

But finally got the issue fixed. You would think that would have been the very first step...remove customer profiles first to see if that might have a conflict with current software me its a no brainer..but apparently their CS teams are not really trained that well. Really calls into question their customer service, if you ask me.


Aug 5, 2008
Oh, God. My congratulations! But this sounds horrible. I want complete control over my hardware; I don't want it to malfunction because of some cloud issue that is forced upon me. I don't think I'll ever consider Razer devices.


Nov 29, 2011

Yes, I hear you. I also much prefer to have control over my own stuff. After all I do believe the Logitech software is local to my machine. I don't ever remember having issues with their keyboard software for any of my programmable keys. I normally only update Logitech software once every month or two ...if they have a new driver, but I've gone almost an entire year without updates for their drivers before.

As for Razer...I love the Naga Hex mouse. I have small hands and have tried so many different mice, but keep coming back to this one. I love to have my movement in games mapped to my mouse keys for ease of use. I don't remember having issues before, but then I never thought of the cloud storage to be a problem for me either.

However, for some reason Razer just does not seem to want to provide profile software to NOT be connected to their cloud service. I suspect they are tracking my activities...which seems to be in line with some of the offerings they tend to send my way. I only engage their software for my mouse when I am actually playing their games so can't imagine it being much use if I have it turned off the rest of the time.

I'll have to think about that....maybe I'll see if I can find a solution for that, but since I've not had other issues with it, I'll leave well enough alone for now. Besides, I also have an Orbweaver which uses the same software for programming the keys for my games as well. Its very handy since the Orbweaver is mainly just for combat.


Nov 29, 2011

My current Razer Naga Hex mouse is my oldest by several years. My old standby is also Razer but its a Death Adder which is even older, both still work very well. I keep both cleaned up pretty well so I rarely have any gunk on them, even on the bottom where dust seems to want to adhere to the foot pads and the small eye in the center.

The Logitech mouse I attempted to use, was too stiff and unwieldy for me so I returned it. I've tried just about every one out there, but due to size, weight or otherwise clunkiness, I can't use them. It feels like I am trying to turn a brick into a mouse (don't mean to slight bricks).

I am not hard on my mice. I know some players go through mice a lot and others don't, probably based upon play style more than anything. But I have very little need to push my mice hard. I have a sensitive touch and therefore tend to use a fairly light touch over all. Even on my keyboard, I rarely pound keys. Using the auto run in games also helps to alleviate the need to constantly hold down two mouse buttons for long periods of time which can add tension to the pads under the buttons.

I suppose it would depend upon methods of usage rather than anything else since I have a light touch. But even using my keyboard, I can't look at my keys to type. With my mouse, its almost an extension of my hand and fingers...but it does boil down to a person's way of using the mouse and/or keyboard that can play into durability of the equipment.


Aug 5, 2008
That's true. But I also think there is chance: if you're just unlucky, your mouse might break even though you've not been hard on it. And perhaps this is more likely to happen with some brands than others. I would expect a new, expensive mouse to last at least five or ten years.


Nov 29, 2011

I would not call the Razer Naga Hex mouse that I currently have to be inexpensive. It was a bit more than I wanted to pay for a mouse. However, I disagree with the idea that a more expensive pc of equipment is better or would last longer than one of moderate cost. As for quality, I think the Razer Naga Hex is of very good quality compared to some other mice of similar design and cost.

So I think its difficult to quantify "new, expensive" with quality. But your point is one many tech folks have disagreed or agreed on for years. I think it does matter that folks chose the item they feel most comfortable with and have done sufficient research on in order to choose which would be the better one for them to use, be it a regular or gaming mouse.


Aug 5, 2008

Oh, that was exactly what I meant: a Naga Hex, expensive as it is, should not break within 5 years of heavy (but not crazy) use.


Nov 29, 2011

So true.