New Nexaria 3G/4G Router Ships in May

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Curious... It's simply capable of using a 3G/4G modem to establish an internet connection for your network? Why would anyone choose 3G/4G over cable, FiOS, or business-class DSL or T1 services if they're available?
wasabiman123, RazberyBandit, nesto1000....

It is a wireless router built off the current and next generation cellular internet access. I'll let you use your imagination as to why someone might want a wireless router.

Freedom people, the freedom to move your connection to the internet to any place that has power and is in range of the tower.

Personally, I don't value freedom enough to loose the performance provided by my FIOS. Give me a 100MBps pipe I can take with my anywhere for what I'm paying now and I'll loose the wires
I can not see many businesses wanting to run all there traffic on the cellular network. Hell looks at what so many iPhones have done to AT&T's network. Not to mention the price and bandwidth limits(cap) on cellular internet
$99 for a 300mbps router?
That sounds nice!
About 3x faster than my 2 yrs old Wireless G modem. Great enough to transfer files over a network!
100mbps is bitchslow! (about 8MB/s on a 100mbps).

If I had a gigabit network card I could send files at about the average transfer speed of a harddrive (mine goes 18 MB/s)
I know several people and a few small offices that would love this product. There are similar products out now, although none AFAIK have wireless-N and integrated 3G/4G.

People who live in new areas or out of cable/DSL areas, as well as businesses in plazas that don't want to pay the cable company $10,000 to install a line. $100 can't be beat.
I would use one of these in a remote location that had terrible hardwired internet connections. The 3G/4G would be slow but better than nothing.
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