sn8ke_iis :
For you guys having so many problems with Win 10 and new Nvidia drivers just install Win 7. I couldn't be happier. Updating to the first Creators Update a few months back turned into a huge fiasco, so I bought a copy of Win 7. I've had 0 issues since I switched back and I have a Titan Xp. I always apply security patches and have firewalls so I didn't get hit with that ransomware attack. Seriously, the burden shouldn't be on Nvidia or game developers to fix their software every time Microsoft breaks it with an update for unnecessary features I don't use. Win 7 is stable, doesn't change, everything is right where I left it. Win 10 is mostly spyware and pathetic attempts by Microsoft to monetize an OS they already sold us. Vote with your dollar and reject all this nonsense. As an older guy who first started using MSDOS and the first versions of Windows I can't believe consumers are actually putting up with this. Generally speaking, government and enterprise haven't switched over. If consumers follow suit. Microsoft will have to respond.
This comment deserves some corrections:
With regard referring to Creators' Update as a fiasco... An experienced MS-DOS up through contemporary Win10 would have been aware of some free disk imaging software that could allow a volume shadow snapshot of the working OS to be taken PRIOR to upgrading. Options I have found useful:
1 - Macrium Reflect Free, uses an XPE-like offline boot image
2 - Runtime dot org's Drive Image XML, uses Knoppix (Linux fork) boot image
Both allow easy image creation and restore as needed. Your fiasco could have been avoided had you followed a standard 'backup, then upgrade' strategy.
Ransomware: I will assume you are referring to the WannaCry SMB exploit... Based on the EternalBlue SMB exploit, which M$ patched under MS17-010 on 14 March, 2017. Win7 has been recorded as the most affected/hit across several websites:
Recommending users revert to Win7 ill-advised.
"Win 10 is mostly spyware and pathetic attempts by Microsoft to monetize an OS" ... Windows 10, out of the box uses a lot of 'telemetry' tools. These can be disabled. Recommend taking a look at Spybot Anti-Beacon (portable, not installer version). The 'spyware' features can be disabled. The utility is free.
A software firewall would not have been useful in this instance if someone had clicked on a phishing attack, unto which this exploit has spread, via the SMB exploit.
Hopefully other readers can see your description, my answers, and better protect themselves.