New PC. Budject build. Any tips?

Yeah that case would be fine, it's has a basic layout inside. Just before careful with that brand of case though, the edges can be sharp. I just wouldn't go super crazy on the cable management inside a case like that also, the back of it isn't really designed to have that many cables ran through the back of it. Also with that processor you would end up needing to spend about $80 on a motherboard to properly support it. So the i3 would be cheaper if you consider CPU + motherboard. A board for the i3 will cost under $50

Mostly a computer built for coding. But a little gaming(Minecraft and team fortress)
If you're a first time builder I wouldn't recommend any type of case like that. Just get something simple to build in like a corsair 100r or 200r. Also for just coding and team fortress you would better off just getting an i3 6100 and using the onboard graphics.

I want to stay with my current processer because its slightly cheaper. Although i wonder if this case would work. The inside is easy for me to understand plus i want the theme to be that shade of green

Yeah that case would be fine, it's has a basic layout inside. Just before careful with that brand of case though, the edges can be sharp. I just wouldn't go super crazy on the cable management inside a case like that also, the back of it isn't really designed to have that many cables ran through the back of it. Also with that processor you would end up needing to spend about $80 on a motherboard to properly support it. So the i3 would be cheaper if you consider CPU + motherboard. A board for the i3 will cost under $50