Question New PC build compatibility question

Aug 1, 2022
Hey all,

I recently decided to pull the trigger on an upgraded build (RIP credit card) and had a question on compatibility with my motherboard. The board is an MSI Arsenal Gaming AMD Ryzen 2ND and 3rd Gen AM4 M.2 USB 3 DDR4 DVI HDMI Crossfire ATX Motherboard (B450 Tomahawk Max II) and the card is a Gigabyte 3060 Ti 8GB. CPU is a Ryzen 7 5800X.

PCPartPicker says they're compatible, but I've seen a couple of threads talking about requiring BIOS updates and other such things. I can't find any definitive literature on the subject and could use some advice on whether or not I'm running into a situation where I'll have to troubleshoot whether my board is DOA or I'm just an idiot when it comes to figuring out compatible parts. Failing that, if anyone has a recommendation for a board around the same price range that they think is a better fit I'd love to hear it.

Edit: I just realized there's no harm in taking a look at the build itself, so here ya go:
All parts have already been ordered on Amazon, but I'm always willing to make some adjustments if needed.

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Well your CPU is Compatible with the Motherboard with an BIOS Upgrade to version "7C02vH7" Link
Although your GPU is not in the Compatibility List. i have given you the link to all compatible parts suggest pick one from there.
Unless I'm mistaken, that compatibility list doesn't have a GPU component, which would mean that exactly zero GPU's work with it. If I've missed something please feel free to let me know, but otherwise I'm going to ignore it. Everything else tells me the 3060 Ti is fine on a Tomahawk Max 2.
it actually does have a GPU section. please check it out first.
I took another look and found the GPU section, but am not worried. I looks more like they haven't updated their site, as they don't have any of the 30 series GPU's on there and they only came out two years apart. While PCIe 3.0 is def slower than 4.0, it looks to be a miniscule difference (most common answer I found was a drop of 1-2 FPS). Aside from that, every forum post and board article I've pulled up has said its fine, so I'm gonna stick with the board. Thanks for the advice.