new pc build same fps


Nov 3, 2014
So im not an intense gamer, however i wanted a little more power. previously i was playing the DayZ mod with 18-28 FPS. other games like Rome 2 on medium graphics with 30-40 FPS
my set up was
Computer- dell Inspiron 560
CPU- Core duo 2 3.33ghz
GPU- nvidia GTX 730
PSU- 300W
Ram- 6 GB GDDR3

Now my set up is
Computer- dell Inspiron 560
CPU-XEON X5470 3.33 Quad Core
Ram- 6 GB GDDR3

now i get the same fps on Dayz, however games like Rome 2, Skyrim, i get 70 plus on highest and extreme graphics.

things i have done to increase DayZ FPS

-unparked processors
-updated everything from firmware to graphics card divers, bios etc.
-set affinity and priority to very high etc.
-set launch options in steam
-uninstalled DayZ
-much more but i cant seem to remember

i am aware that dayz optimization sucks and some great builds barely get 60. however my friend has the same setup except i have 2 more gigs of ram and hes using an i3 processor. we compared the processors on CPU boss his performance rating was 6.8 mine was like 6.5. so i dont think there should be to much of a FPS difference. Thanks for the help in advance

Is your friend running the same graphics card? DayZ mod also has a lot of variables, you're always online and your ping to the server is going to make a huge difference. Are you and your friend playing the same area? If you're buddy is in an open field getting 40fps, I bet he's going to drop down in the 20s when he goes to Cherno or Elektro.
Bit of a sideways move really, you doubled the cores, but single thread performance is going to be essentially the same.

GTX750 is a decent upgrade, but I don't think you were having much in the way of graphics difficulties. If you kept the exact same settings, then your game is CPU bound and adding more GPU would not have much of an impact.

no he gets 45 minimum in citys his ping is slightly better thou

Do you know if he's running the same settings? Dropping your max view distance just a little can greatly increase your fps. I'm curious what average FPS you get when you run the showcases in arma 2. That can help determine if the problem is your internet connection or if it's something with your system.