New PC build won't post


Jan 18, 2016
So I've read the threads with the 31 or however many steps about proper installation and I'm still having trouble.

After setting everything up, my pc starts up, but nothing displays on the monitor. My build is...

AMD FX6300 3.5ghz 6 core processor
Gigabyte Radeon R9 380 2GB video card
Gigabyte 78LMT-USB3 motherboard
Corsair Vengeance 8gb ddr3 memory
Rosewill Stallion 500w atx psu
Western 1tb internal HD
Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer

No lights on the motherboard turn on, except for these little orange lights on the back next to the USB port. Sometimes the video card fans will go, but only with 1 6-pin in. When I put in two, nothing happens. I've been researching this for hours and from what it seems, my motherboard or psu is the issue. The internal speaker doesn't beep at all when I turn on the pc. Could it be that 500w just isn't enough? Or could my motherboard be fried? I just got the parts today so....

EDIT: The 8-pin atx cable wouldn't reach so I opted for the 4-pin because that one would reach and everywhere I read online said it was fine.

Also, I tried to test the psu itself using a paper clip and when I flipped the on switch, it worked just fine. I believe the mobo might be messed up but I'm going to take it to a pc shop tomorrow to see if they can check it. I also tried to do that breadbox thing? Just the mobo, cpu, hsf, and psu and nothing happened. No beep, no post. I tried variations with the ram sticks and graphics card but nothing worked. What is most strange to me is that the fans on the graphics card sometimes work, but only with one 6-pin adapter in it. When there's two in it, it just stutters - it'll attempt to start up for like half a second and then stop and it will repeat the process.
I might buy a new mobo at best buy tomorrow if need be (also if they even sell them there??) and then return the old mobo, but hopefully the pc shop can fix it up for me.

And sorry if this thread is in the wrong place or if this issue is brought up a lot.. first time pc build and I'm pretty nervous and I really just want to do this right, which apparently I haven't so far lol.