New PC Build


Aug 30, 2017
Newly built computer
AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 1060
ASRock B350M
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2 x 4 GB
EVGA 430W 80+ PSU
Corsair Carbide Spec RED/BLACK case

Plugged everything correctly, I mean everything. I try boot it up plug the HDMI into graphics card and no signal. when i plug in the 24 PIN to motherboard fully doesnt work, have to losen it abit for it to actually switch on. I tried taking out the CMOS and put it back in to see if it made a difference nothings happening I also checked on PC part picker and reviewed everything to make sure everything was ok the LED Fans are also flashing..
Question from fabioandresz927 : "Could it be my PSU?"

I've tried everything, the CMOS removing it and putting it back in, I get no display no Signal my power button just blinks and so does my LED Fan when I try fully plug it into the motherboard it stops i have to slightly take it out for it to boot up but no display.
Question from fabioandresz927 : "I need help with my PC"

Question from fabioandresz927 : "New PC Build.."

New PC Build
Ryzen 3 1200
ASRock AB350M Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2 X 4 GB
GTX 1060 G1 Gaming
EVGA 430 PSU 80+
Corsair Carbide Spec RED/BLACK Case

I'm having a huge issue my PC will literally show no signal at all when I plug in the DVI Cable to my graphics card on my new one but perfectly fine it boots up all fans are working but the LEDS to everything is slowly blinkining I dont know if its the board or PSU but the pC will also not switch on when the Power Cable to motherboard is fully plugged in i have to losen it abit for it to switch on I do not know what the issue is please somebody help my CPU pins were bent but fixed them and retried the samet hing I returned the CPU as faulty and got it replaced but when I did that nothing changed it was still the same I honestly dont know what the issue is any solutions?
Are you pluggin in the monitor from the video card's video output? The motherboards video outputs can not work as the Ryzen has no onboard video. Have you tried other video cables? What is the model number of your monitor? Your not using one of the video converter boxes by chance? Last generation or so the video card makers have went to full digital with no backward support for analogy monitors.
A help forum is here for a reason tos erve its purpose its not spamming its trying to raise awareness on an issue, its like someone calling the ambulance because someones hurt continuously

Not sure what you try to say, but read the forum rule.