Question New PC freezing and randomly crashing ?

Aug 29, 2023

My new PC randomly crashes a few times a day during the simplest tasks like opening Gmail and using MS Teams or Exel.
First, it is frozen for a few moments and then it is restarting.

It's really confusing because demanding tasks like gaming don't cause any issues.

Here is the log from today.

I would be grateful if someone could take a look and advise me on what can be done

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

What network connectivity is being used: wired or wireless?

Take a look, for starters, in Reliability History/Monitor. What error codes, warnings, or even informational events (if any) are being captured just before or at the time of the crashes.

With a new PC I would suspect a loose connection. Probably heat related.

During gaming the system heats up and expansion keeps the connections tight.

Once cooled down, the connection loosens up, and connectivity is intermittently lost.

What you can do:

Power down, unplug, open the case. (If you are not comfortable doing so then find a knowledgeable family member or friend to help.)

Verify by sight and feel that all connections, cards, RAM, jumpers, and case connections are fully and firmly in place. Carefully unplug and replug a few times to be sure.

Failing that then the next steps would be to look for software corruption and/or bugs.