New PC internet Issues! Need Help!


Sep 19, 2016
Hello, so I have a problem with a New PC that I bought off of a friend. So before I bought the PC my friend wiped the hard drive including the OS before he gave it to me. Then he ended up re installing the OS (Windows 7 64-bit) so I wouldn't have to worry about that when I got the PC. So when I got it obviously I had to re download all the drivers back to my PC for all my Hardware. So I did that. I went on the websites for my Hardware and downloaded any drivers I could for my Motherboard and GPU an some for my CPU. Alright so everything seems good. So I plug in my Ethernet cord to my PC. It connects and everything seems fine but I don't actually get my internet connection from my router that the Ethernet in my PC is conceited to. All it says is that I'm on a "Home Network" and I have "Internet Access" but really I don't becuase when I try to open a Internet browser it still says I'm offline. My PC deosnt seem to be actually connected to my internet. I don't know if I have all the drivers required or there are network settings that are messed up. Any help will be so appreciated. Thank you! :)