Question New PC suggestions

Something like this should be good...

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU | AMD - Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7 GHz 8-Core Processor | €277.90 @ Mindfactory
Motherboard | MSI - B450 GAMING PRO CARBON AC ATX AM4 Motherboard | €128.84 @ Mindfactory
Memory | Crucial - Ballistix Sport LT 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory | €75.99 @ Amazon Deutschland
Storage | Crucial - P1 500 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive | €69.90 @ Amazon Deutschland
Storage | Hitachi - Ultrastar 7K4000 3 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | €59.50 @ Amazon Deutschland
Video Card | Zotac - GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB AMP Extreme Core Video Card | €469.90 @ Caseking
Case | Thermaltake - Versa N21 ATX Mid Tower Case | €34.90 @ Amazon Deutschland
Power Supply | SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply | €89.99 @ Amazon Deutschland
Monitor | AOC - C24G1 24.0" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor | €189.00 @ Amazon Deutschland
Keyboard | Thermaltake - Commander Bundle Wired Gaming Keyboard With Optical Mouse | €49.03 @ Amazon Deutschland
Headphones | Logitech - G430 7.1 Channel Headset | €61.00 @ Amazon Deutschland
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total | €1505.95
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-06-21 16:45 CEST+0200 |
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Reactions: ConanLock
Build above is good. If you wait for Ryzen 3xxx to come out, the price of the ryzen 2 should fall, meaning you could also get a game or two in your budget. Also, if you don't need monitor and headphones then upgrading the GPU to RTX 2080 would be a smart choice.