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Dec 29, 2015
I got a new AMD Phenom II x4 980 and when I try to run some games on it my computer will freeze for a few seconds and give me a BSOD with WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR. This happens with a lot of games but mostly Fallout 4. The games run very well compared to when I use my old processor but after about 10 minutes of gameplaay I get this problem. I tried overclocking but when I increase my CPU ratio beyond 20 I get a bunch of errors and anything below 20 doesn't fix my problem, however, at 20 I get a CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT error when I'm not even playing an games. (Also I don't know that much about computers so if anyone has a solution please explain in simple terms)
We would all benefit if we could learn of your full systems specs. Please list out your;
CPU(Processor), Mobo(Motherboard),Ram, SSD/HDD, GPU(graphics card), PSU(powersupply unit) and ofc the peripherals that are connected your machine inclusive of any USB/audio devices.

Mind you we could also benefit if we knew if you changed only the processor or the motherboard as well when you migrated to your Phenom II X4 980. Regarding the issue at hand, have you been able to replicate it when the system is idle or when your just surfing the web? Also is this installation of Windows 10 a clean one or that performed via the upgrade path? If an upgrade what was your prior OS?

Hey, I got a simular error, should I explain here or is this thread dead and I should create a new one?

Start a new thread as this one is retro. And I am closing it :)
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