Question New PSU & M.2 - Now CPU overheating constantly

Feb 26, 2023
Yesterday I upgraded PSU to 850W from 750W as well as added a Samsung 970 M.2 2TB.

Now I can't do anything at all without CPU temp spiking to 110C and system shuts down (understandably). Just writing this post I'm at 93C...

I dismounted the cold plate, cleaned it and reapplied new Artic Thermal paste - no change. Im running an MSI 240mm AIO which should be more than enough to cool anything I do.

Other specs that may matter:

Ryzen 9 5900X

What about changing the PSU and adding an M.2 would cause this? I'm at a complete loss on where to go next.

I have verified all fan and pump RPMS in HWMonitor so I just don't understand why I'm not cooling. Please give me some direction if anyone has any ideas.

I will attach my Core Temp and HWMonitor screen grabs so you can see speeds/temps yourself (If I can figure out how).

Thank you in advance.
Coincidence, perhaps. 🤔
Image hosting sites must be used to post images here. Here's one how to involving

MSI 240mm AIO
MAG and MPG Coreliquid Version 1 clog earlier than they should be. Version 2 SUPPOSEDLY fixes this, but I've not heard much on the matter. The silence may mean that it works.
These units are pump in radiator models. Install them in the roof of the case, and you can expect them to not last very long. Air kills pumps. Front installation only.
MEG Coreliquid has the pump in the cpu block: top installation is fine, and front installation is too, as long as the cpu block isn't the highest point of the loop.
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Figured out the images. Thank you Phaaze for the help. A blockage is looking more likely I just wish there was a way to confirm it.

A blockage is looking more likely I just wish there was a way to confirm it.
You already provided the symptoms:
Pump rpm is shown running(maxed) in software, but thermals are still horrid.
Another means to tell is that only one of the tubes is warm; fluid flow is poor.

You've not said where the radiator is installed. If top mounted, air will damage the pump over time via friction.
It is front mounted sorry. I did not know about the line check proving poor flow. You’re spot on though, I ran it for a bit so they could properly heat up and I’ve only got one hot line.

So my only option from here is to replace the AIO?