New Ransomware Lets One File Go Free, Then Wants Cash

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How does this sort of thing even get on your computer? Oh yeah, opening attachments in emails and downloading dodgy software from dodgy websites. So basically if you're that retarded you deserve everything you get.

LEARN how to use your computer - it's the best defense of all.
Saw an example on youtube of that sort of ransomware getting installed by exploit packages being installed from merely visiting a website, without clicking on anything.....

In any event, hope no one pays then a single dime.....or, ruble!
Using CryptoPrevent will prevent many types of malware/ransoms & cryptolocker viruses from eating your PC alive:

Excellent software that uses GPO to make policy rules PC across the PC for all users.

For browser protection I use Google Chrome + µBlock + Disconnect extensions.
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