Hello everyon! First of all thank you for any help you are able to offer. It is much appreciated. I recently built a new PC, with a motherboard that supports gigabit LAN. Since I have connected it, my whole network (laptop & PC) has been consistently losing internet access at random times. This morning, I lost it about 6 times in a row, every ten minutes. Usually a power cycle (remove power cord from modem & router) fixes it but only temporarily. I have noticed my router (linksys WRT110) does not support gigabit LAN. I am wondering if this has anything to do with my connection drops? In addition to looking for a fix for this problem, I am seeking advice on buying a switch and/or router to upgrade to gigabit LAN. Do I need a switch? I have heard they provide another level of security? The router I am looking at is something like this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320131R
I have a USB 3.0 external hd that I want to network with it. All your advice is much appreciated, thanks!
Oh and both machines are running Win7 Ultimate x64. My PC that I connected when the problems started has an ASRock Pro4 motherboard and is connected to the router via cat5 cable.
I have a USB 3.0 external hd that I want to network with it. All your advice is much appreciated, thanks!
Oh and both machines are running Win7 Ultimate x64. My PC that I connected when the problems started has an ASRock Pro4 motherboard and is connected to the router via cat5 cable.