New skylake 4K machine!


Jul 21, 2015
Hello dear friends @ TH,

I have an 5 year machine (i7 950; 2x HD5770 CF; 12GB Ram; SSD 180GB, 5TB storage).

Starting a gaming machine (4k) from scratch. Gonna buy the parts in NYC by the end of August, presuming skylake will be avaible, and would like some opinions/suggestions:

MB: Z170 (wich one)
Processor: i7 6770 or i5?
RAM: DDR4 16 or 32GB? Brand? Model?
Fury X or 780ti (single or SLI/CF) I was thinking of buying the second card later on...
Storage: 4x 6GB HDD - RAID10
Thanks in advance!

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