[SOLVED] New SSD showing in BIOS AND Device manager but not in disk manager

Apr 19, 2020
Hi guys,
I bought a new internal samsung EVO 860 GB 500 SSD, Yet after i plugged it in it wouldnt show in disk manager.
I currently have another samsung ssd and a HDD
It is correctly plugged in, and does show up in device manager and in the BIOS.
But yet i can locate it in disk manager.
I read other forums, they said use other software. In Samsung magician and Minitool partition wizard it doesnt show either.

The SSD should work since it does show as an available SSD, but i just cant add it as a volume in drive manager.
I really hope someone could help me with this one 🙂
Hi guys, thanks for the help!
the solution was indeed the storage spaces pool.
For some reason it created a storage pool with another drive, because of this it wouldnt show up in Disk manager.
I deleted the storage pool and then it showed up again.
now i can make a new volume with this disk,
Again thankss!
Open your search bar in windows, and enter /cmd.

Enter "diskpart", and click enter

Enter "list disk" and click enter

It should list all connected and supported drives. If your drive isn't there, then you most likely have something disabled in BIOS. If it is there, then you have a driver issue. We can troubleshoot further from here.
It only shows the 2 already excisting storage devices.
I will take a look again in the bios, while i dont know what else i should do there

Ok, so its most likely disabled in your BIOS. Do you have an m.2 drive? m.2 drives take up two sata ports for data, so your drive might be plugged into an occupied SATA port. Try to take out your data cable and plug it into different data ports, and see if it works.
No, its just a SATA III 2.5 inch, i tried swiching sata cables. but it does show in my BIOS as a available boot device( i dont have windows installed on it tho).

I meant do you have another drive that is m.2 form factor? Also, you said that it is showing up as a possible boot device, but did that happen because you switched sata ports, or was it always there?
No, i only have 2.5 inch, nothing is plugged in the m2 slot so its not interacting with something els.
The device always showed up in my BIOS, but it just doesnt get recognised in drive manager.
updated the bios, still nothing

Ok, so something strange is happening. To recap:

The SSD is recognized in BIOS, but not in Windows.
After BIOS update, nothing changes
Does not show up in Diskpart or disk management.

From here, the next logical step would be to check for any updates within Windows, along with driver updates. The first thing I would suggest you to do is to go to your motherboard manufacturer's website, and download all the latest drivers, then do an install of them. Afterwards, update windows, and try again.
Alternatively, you could try and buy one of those USB to sata/data dongles, and then try plugging your ssd into a usb port to see if it works. They're like 5 bucks on amazon, so not a big hit on your wallet. If it still doesn't work then, that means your drive is most likely dead to some extent.
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