New SSD wont initialize

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May 2, 2017
Ive bought a brand new Apacer AS340 240GB SSD, upon arrival and installation it appeared installing the drivers for the SSD.

After that was completed it would not appear as a normal hard drive.

After checking disk management it did appear, but as unknown, unallocated and not initialized. Giving me the "option" to initialize it as normal but instead of it actually doing anything it would load for a second then stop and nothing would change. The drive would still be not initialized.

The SSD is online, the capacity is recognized (unallocated space) and the drivers are "up to date", device is also working correctly.

After going through many forum posts and having none of them work, mainly being manually creating the partition to format it using diskpart of which gives a new error:

"Virtual disk service error:
The object is not found."

Also while in diskpart I can see the SSD on the disk list but all commands trying to alter it give the same error.

So I am currently unable to format, partition or change it in anyway. But it does recognize its capacity. Is there any way to fix this? Am I missing something basic or do I have to send this thing back in?



You don't need to install any special drivers for that [strike]hard[/strike] solid state drive... Uninstall them entirely and reboot. Then your disk should work correctly, and you should be able to "initialize" it.

Try this since you know how to use diskpart.

Open diskpart...

First select the disk like before, double check its the right disk.
Then clean the disk (erases partition table) with this command:

You can instead do a full wipe of this disk, but it takes a little more time.
clean all

Then create a partition (don't use the size attribute) and set up the filesystem
cre par pri
sel par 1
format fs=ntfs quick

Just FYI, that SSD is a piece of junk. It's cheap and low quality. Found this out while searching to see if anyone else was having your same problem, and if it was a common issue. Turns out it is, and there are many reports of this drive and it's drivers/software not working on Windows 10. Also it seems to fail more than other SSDs.


Results of attempting it, I dont touch it and it just does this. It seems to forcefully disconnect it seeing it no longer shows up under list disk or the disk manager.
Any more suggestions because otherwise im going to return it
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