New website design sucks

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Mar 6, 2009
The new Tom's Hardware website layout is terrible. I hate it. It is extremely inefficient. I want my concise list of headline news stories back. I like to keep my web browser window small so it doesn't obscure my work, and it is valuable to have information presented in a way that formats efficiently in a small window.
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I agree I am so lost and can't find my way around for anything on my computer. I can't locate a story from a day before at all when using my phone, it's impossible. I wish they would stop with the sudden changes. It's like saying I don't care what you want, we decide what you want and your going to just have to deal with that. Really nice way to treat the community. I am finding myself looking for a website with similar information in a format that meets my need.
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I CANNOT READ THE ARTICLES! I have Adblocker turned OFF on Firefox but there is a GIANT Origin pop up that is BLANK so I cannot close it. the pop up covers 2/3 of the page so I can only read stuff at the bottom of the page. I cannot get rid if it by random clicking on where there might be an X. I have to go to Chrome and have adblocker turned ON just to read the article. Getting less and less likely to even bother to come to the site anymore.
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The new Tom's Hardware website layout is terrible. I hate it. It is extremely inefficient. I want my concise list of headline news stories back. I like to keep my web browser window small so it doesn't obscure my work, and it is valuable to have information presented in a way that formats efficiently in a small window.

I agree in fact I just posted that I didn't like it. Everyone else with strong opinions either way should post as well.
Some notice of the home page changing would have been nice, I only noticed it had changed when I accidentally pressed the Home button last weekend.

The forums had changed in February so if you used those as well, you might have had an idea the home page was also likely to swap from the old software it had been running on for 15 years, onto the new platform.

Admin do read the Forum Feedback area so there is a good chance they will see this thread. Alas, admin don't just do Tom's, they are admin for a bunch of different Future publishing websites so their attention isn't always on us.
The new website design is horrendous to the point i might stop visiting tomshardware. I will have to find a new site for tech. It appears to me it was implemented not to be user friendly like it was but more for maximizing ads. I am sure it will never go back. It's time to start looking for alternatives. Any suggestions?
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