new windows 10 update problem

Gasper Torner

May 4, 2014
hi so i have a problem every since the last update came i turn off my pc with some programs opend and than when i turen it back on it all comes up just like i left it it was a neat feature in windows 98 but windows 10 its just right on annoying everything pops up like i didnt turn it off i slowes down my pc with that <mod edit> i really need to fix this

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Yes, that is a great feature in the newest Windows 10 update. If you like it go ahead and use it, I myself don't care for it so I don't use it.
I am so sorry, I'm a Windows 10 geek and I do not know the name of it. I know that over at some other forums many people are either complaining about it or are praising it.

It is part of the Fall Update, so I will search for a name and get back to this thread. All I know is that right now the polls indicate about a 50-50 mix of people who hate it and people that love it. I just avoid it entirely.

so how do i turn it off than couse it was for some reason auto on and my system has realy slowed down couse of it i mean it works normally after that but still its annoying