Previously I have posted on the forums about upgrading my system, specifically in September, however I did not get a clear response. I asked about upgrading my processor because I know how crap it is and that it is severely old, by the way it is a AMD Athlon 245 Dual Core. Back when I started getting into gaming I used a basic Dell PC and then upgraded the Power Supply, Graphics Card, and Case. However now that the new year has rolled around that now means that to base computer, so CPU, Motherboard, and Hard Drive will be 7 years old. So that is why I have come to one of the best tech forums around, to ask about suggestions for mainly a new CPU and motherboard because quite honestly my Geforce 660 is super bottlenecked by my exsisting Dual core. To get a basis for what I want, I am obviously going to be gaming but, I am also interested in streaming and video editing so the more cores the better. CPU's I have looked at so far consist of i5 4690, i5 6600, i7 4790, i7 6700, and i7 5820k. I am not all that interested in over clocking so the 'k' is not all that important, however if I have the budget I may just get a Cooler Master EVO 12, extra case fans, and a fan controller. That is because I am one of the few people who actually likes to change their fan speeds based on the task whether it would be for video rendering or gaming. In addition for the motherboard I am interested in a FULL SIZE ATX board that is SLI compatible for future upgrades. Lastly, my budget AT MOST is $1000 but preferably less, but I do not want to scimp on parts because I want this PC to last.
As a side note here is the PC parts picker list that one of the mods gave me. Personally, I think it is absolutely ridiculous for the processor because he suggested me a DUAL CORE!?!?!?
Thank you for your time!
As a side note here is the PC parts picker list that one of the mods gave me. Personally, I think it is absolutely ridiculous for the processor because he suggested me a DUAL CORE!?!?!?
Thank you for your time!