Newegg Dropping Items from Premier Classification?


I've noticed a trend at Newegg lately and wondered if anyone else noticed it too. I have been a Premier member since it started and have enjoyed getting free shipping and 2-3 day delivery on most items. I have been looking for a computer case for a new build and noticed that none of them had the familiar "P" next to their picture anymore. I did a little browsing of other items I knew used to be Premier eligible and found that some of them too were no longer Premier eligible.

So I contacted them and asked them 'what's up with that?', but all I got was a boiler-plate reply. Don't get me wrong... There's still quite a bit of stuff that is Premier eligible, but they seem to be removing lots of stuff that used to be Premier eligible, making the membership less valuable to me. Guess I always still have my Amazon Prime...

Just wondered what others' feelings were.
I'm pretty much disillusioned with my Newegg Premier experience. I'm strongly considering dropping it since it doesn't seem to be good value for money. IN addition, I've had several orders where Premium-eligible items would come up in my cart without Premier shipping enabled and then I get wildly differing responses from Newegg Support on how to rectify the issue. In the end I've eaten some shipping charges or simply accepted slower shipping rather than keep futzing with newegg support.

My response is to link products from Amazon or other online retailers in my responses here. In my opinion, good solid ordering and customer support is part of the online experience and if I can't get it from Newegg, I will link other potential buyers...
I'm pretty much disillusioned with my Newegg Premier experience. I'm strongly considering dropping it since it doesn't seem to be good value for money. IN addition, I've had several orders where Premium-eligible items would come up in my cart without Premier shipping enabled and then I get wildly differing responses from Newegg Support on how to rectify the issue. In the end I've eaten some shipping charges or simply accepted slower shipping rather than keep futzing with newegg support.

My response is to link products from Amazon or other online retailers in my responses here. In my opinion, good solid ordering and customer support is part of the online experience and if I can't get it from Newegg, I will link other potential buyers to alternate sites.
I've found that NewEgg has become intractable and greedy to the detriment of their product. I reduced my last order from $2,000 to $600 because of their emerging ineptitude, boiler-plate communication style, and "premier' items that were cheaper on Amazon. If I had NewEgg stock I'd be a seller.